The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 1462

Chapter 1462

Chapter 1462

As for the two of them, neither of them looked at the referee or each other, they were all looking at Charlie in the audience.

Charlie was suddenly stressed.

Unexpectedly, these two girls would not be ready for the game, so they would stare at themselves constantly on stage.

Is he so good-looking? Isn’t it okay for Sun to get things right?

Just thinking about it, the referee on the stage was also embarrassed. He coughed twice and said: “Two, are you listening to me?”

Aurora was the first to recover, and hurriedly blushed and said, “I’m sorry the referee, I just lost my mind.”

The referee reluctantly looked at Nanako Ito again: “Miss Ito, how about you?”

Nanako Ito’s face flushed instantly, and she hurriedly said in a low voice, “Sorry for the referee, I’m also a little distracted.”

After speaking, she couldn’t help but glanced at Aurora, only to realize that Aurora’s face was already full of the shyness of a girl.

She couldn’t help but wonder, does Aurora like Charlie?

Aurora also looked at Nanako Ito in surprise.

Although Nanako Ito was calmer than herself, she blushed, so she couldn’t help but wonder.

“Isn’t it? Isn’t this Nanako Ito, like me, like Master Wade?”

However, she soon relieved herself and thought: “A good man like Master Wade, I am afraid that most women will not be able to resist his attraction? Therefore, it is normal for Nanako Ito to like Master Wade and want to come. If you change to a girl from Europe and America, you might also like Master Wade.”

“Hey, it’s a pity that Master Wade is a married person after all. No matter how many women like him, it would be difficult to have a chance to really get together with him, right? Dad always keeps me and Master Wade close, trying to get Master Wade can also like me, but after so long, I can’t tell how Master Wade feels towards me…”

The two women thought each other in this way, and fell into contemplation again.

The referee thought that they had brought their attention back, and he murmured a lot, and then found that neither of them looked at him, as if they were both in a state of absent-mindedness. He couldn’t help but get a little big head and asked. : “Did you understand?”

Nanako Ito hurriedly said, “Referee, sorry, what did you just say?”

Aurora also looked embarrassed.

The referee took it and said in a low voice: “You two, you are both top female Sanda fighters. You have passed all the way to the finals. Don’t run into the finals. So many audiences and multimedia reporters are watching you both. What…”

Aurora said apologetically: “Please rest assured, referee, we will have a good game, we must!”

Nanako Ito also stuck out her tongue and said seriously: “Referee, we are ready.”

The referee nodded and said, “Neither of you have a coach to accompany you today?”

“Yes.” The two nodded at the same time.

Aurora’s coach was Charlie, but Charlie went to the auditorium today and did not coach her in front of the ring.

And Nanako Ito’s coach was still lying on the hospital bed watching the live broadcast, so neither of them had a coach to follow today.

So the referee said seriously: “Both of them are masters, and they know that they have no eyes. So when the game starts, if you get injured, try to accurately judge your situation. Don’t insist blindly. If you can’t hold it, please tell me immediately. , I’ll stop the game in time, understand?”

Usually, when the game reaches a critical moment, or the player reaches a very critical moment, the coach is the one who throws the towel and declares defeat.

However, if the coach is not on the court, it depends on the players themselves.

But sometimes the players are blinded by their own play, or are seriously injured and can’t react at all. This makes it easy to be seriously injured by the opponent, so the coach reminds them that they must not hold on at critical moments.

Both of them nodded seriously.

So, the referee announced loudly: “Okay, the game begins!”

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