The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 1517

Chapter 1517

Chapter 1517

Hank trembled in shock at this time.

What the hell is this?

The God of War and Realm Master he hired with a high salary was choked by Richard and knelt down to call his father. That’s fine, the key is that you can’t even get the gun out?

You know this group of people are simply the ancestors of playing guns!

They can’t hold a gun, which is as ridiculous as a barber can’t hold scissors!

However, no matter how unthinkable and unthinkable the fact is, it is also a fact.

Hank saw that the god of war was scared like a dead dog, and he didn’t dare to say a word, knowing that it was absolutely useless to count on them today.

In this way, isn’t that slap in the face just now for nothing?

Thinking of this, he was even more resentful. However, he did not dare to yell with Richard too much at this time.

So, he could only say angrily: “Okay! Kid, I remember you! Let’s just wait and see!”

After speaking, he immediately said to his son Trevor next to him: “Let’s go!”

Milos, who had been smiling all the time, suddenly sneered, “Go? Who let you go?”



Hank covered his face and took a step back, and asked tremblingly, “You…what do you mean!”

“What do I mean?” Richard said coldly: “You took a few dogs and ran to someone else’s house to bite and disturb others to eat, and you want to turn your head and leave?”

Hank didn’t expect that Richard slapped himself in the face and didn’t want to give up, so he trembled and asked, “What do you want?”

Richard said: “My demands are very simple. If you mess with me, you must satisfy me, otherwise none of you will want to leave.”

Trevor scolded angrily, “Boy, don’t overdo it! Otherwise, you don’t know how to die!”

Richard frowned and asked, “Who gave you the courage? You dare to talk to me like this at this time?”

Trevor had no bottom in his heart, but still gritted his teeth and threatened: “Provoke my Leonardo family, beware of my Leonardo family’s order to pursue killings across the country, offering a reward of one billion for your head!”





Richard nodded: “Good boy, it’s interesting, are you married yet?”

Trevor was stunned for a moment. What the hell is this? Why did you suddenly ask about this?

Seeing that he didn’t speak, Richard immediately stretched out his hands and condensed his ears. As soon as he came up, he twisted it nearly one hundred and eighty degrees, and said coldly: “What the hell is asking you, are you deaf?”

Trevor felt a sharp pain in his ears, and felt like he was about to be pulled off by his life. He cried out in pain, “Ouch! It hurts to death! Release me!”

Richard used his hand again: “If your ears don’t work well, don’t ask for it at all!”

Trevor was afraid that Richard would really pull his ears off, so he immediately pleaded, “Please don’t screw it up. If you screw it up, it will fall out!”

Richard said coldly: “Answer the question!”

Trevor said hurriedly: “I’m not married, I’m not married!”

Richard nodded and said, “I’m not married, and there are no children outside, right?”

“No, no!” Trevor shook his head repeatedly.

Richard asked him again: “Then how many children did your dad have?”e


“How many men and women?”

“I have two older sisters…”

“Oh…” Richard nodded and said, “Then you are your father’s only son, right?”

“Yes, yes yes yes…”

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