The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 1526

Chapter 1526

Chapter 1526

After a while, Angie came back with a bottle of Maotai in a four-jin bottle.

Orrin took over the bottle and opened the lid while saying to Josef: “Anderson, since the year of her birth, every year on her birthday, I will spend a lot of money to save a batch of the best Moutai I can buy. So far, there is already a storage room in the basement. They are all auction-level top Maotais. They were originally prepared to wait for the wedding day of Daisy to entertain relatives and friends. Today, let’s try it first!”





Angie smiled and said: “Anderson, this batch of wine, your uncle Orrin is very precious. The storage room is like a brave, you can only get in. It has been stored for more than 20 years, and I haven’t taken a bottle out to drink it. , This is the first time today!”



Orrin smiled and said, “This wine was originally prepared for the wedding of Josef and Daisy, so now it should be preheated!”



Stefanie on the side blushed immediately.

Josef was inevitably embarrassed.




I am a married person now, how can I marry Stefanie again?

Orrin also saw the embarrassment in Josef’s expression, and said seriously: “Anderson, I know your current situation, you don’t have to have any psychological burden. Since I am now healed, I must live another 20 or 30 years. No problem, uncle is the master, our family has been waiting for you for three years!”





Speaking of this, Orrin said while pouring his wine, “In the past three years, you can solve the current problems in a few minutes, and then make a plan for your own future, whether you want to return to Eastcliff or Wade’s home. , Think about all these things, but it doesn’t matter if you return to the Wade family. In my eyes, you are the son-in-law of the Ishac family. Everything in the Ishac family belongs to you. It doesn’t matter if you don’t have the Wade family!”





“Yeah Josef!” Angie also said to the side: “You were born in Eastcliff and grew up in Eastcliff before you were eight years old. This is your root. After you marry Daisy, the best choice is to come back!”



“If you feel tired of these cumbersome things in Eastcliff’s wealthy family, I also support you and your daughter to settle overseas together, and you don’t need to worry about money. The assets of your uncle Orrin and I are enough for the two of you in this world. In any country, you can live a lifetime without worries!”

Stefanie had a blushing face, and she didn’t say a word shyly, but she looked at Josef from time to time, and she could see that the expression in her eyes was full of tenderness.



Josef knew that his marriage contract with Stefanie was the order of his parents.



And it has existed for more than 20 years, and I did not keep the promise of my parents. At this time, if I refuted it immediately, I would have no face to face my parents who had passed away.

So he nodded lightly and said seriously: “Uncle Orrin and Angie, I will consider these issues carefully.”

In his opinion, the best solution is to delay the matter first, and then slowly ease the matter.

Orrin naturally agreed, and then handed Josef a glass of wine. He also picked up a glass and said boldly, “Come on, Josef! Finish this glass!”





Josef nodded, and the two of them clinked their glasses, and drank all the Moutai in the glass.



Orrin sipped his stomach with a glass of wine. The familiar and unfamiliar feeling made him smack his lips. He said excitedly: “Oh, now I understand that being rich and powerful is not as good as being healthy! Health is fundamental!”

As he said, he couldn’t help asking Josef: “By the way, Anderson, it is not convenient for you to tell uncle, what kind of magical medicine you gave me, how can it have such a magical effect? It’s like an elixir. same!”




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