The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 1534

Chapter 1534

Chapter 1534

“Yes!” Trevor nodded without hesitation.

Today, he was humiliated by Barne. He was in a depressed mood. Unexpectedly, Daniel immediately arranged an opportunity for himself to vent the fire, and naturally he immediately agreed.




In the evening.

Brothers Trevor and Daniel came out of the hospital. They drove a car and went to an extremely high- end club in Eastcliff.

The name of this club is very popular, it is called No.1 Mansion.

If you want to set up a VIP in Mansion One, you have to shoot at least 10 million.

Because here, VIP has its own luxurious suites, which not only include restaurants, ktv, bathing hot springs and spa services, but also bedrooms, meeting rooms, chess and card rooms.

In addition, VIP also has its own personal butler and personal attendant. Once you come here, you can enjoy the dedicated imperial service, which is more chic than the ancient emperor.

In other words, the members who have organized here can not only eat, drink and have fun, but also hold business meetings and banquets, which have a wide range of uses.

Moreover, the privacy here is excellent, so you don’t have to worry about leaking your privacy.

Because of the many benefits of No.1 Mansion, it is deeply loved by the rich Eastcliff.

Both Trevor and Daniel are members here, but they rarely play together, they all play their own games.

Today, in order to please Trevor, Daniel asked his friend who started a brokerage company to bring four young European models over, and he was ready to let Trevor have a good time. It was also considered as laying the foundation for his future.

Trevor was holding his stomach and couldn’t vent, just planning to have a good time here tonight.

Soon, four young blond models were brought over, and each one was beautiful and moving, which made Trevor excited.

He immediately and unceremoniously chose the two most beautiful and best figures, and went to the luxurious bedroom in the suite.

And Daniel also took him to pick the remaining two and went to another room.

Five minutes later, the brothers ran out of their rooms in a panic.

The two looked at each other at the door, or Trevor spoke first: “Daniel, can you do that?”

Daniel was crying and shook his head. He spoke with tremors and crying voices. He choked up and said, “Brother, I’m not working anymore… I have no feeling or reaction at all. I’m so f*cking infertile… .”

After speaking, he looked at Trevor and asked him: “You brother, do you still have it?”

Trevor sat down on the ground and muttered: “Damn, I am gone…what the hell is going on, this is…I’m only in my twenties. How can I say that I can’t do it?”

Daniel asked, “Brother, do you feel like that part has been completely disconnected from the body?”

Trevor nodded brightly and said with red eyes: “Damn, that’s how it feels…”

Daniel was crumbling, pressed against the wall, and slowly slipped to the ground, desperately saying, “Brother, what do you say about this…”

Trevor said in a flustered manner: “Could it be that the kid today was right? No way! You have to go to the hospital and check it out. What’s going on!”

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