The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 1539

Chapter 1539

Chapter 1539

Trevor and Daniel, two young people, also realized the importance of this matter, so they both nodded in agreement.

If you freeze the sperm first, you will leave the seeds. It is very easy to want a child later.

After all, as the old saying goes, be prepared!

Therefore, the director of the andrology department immediately arranged painless manual sampling for the four people and prepared a series of tests at the same time.

As long as it is taken out, it will be sampled for testing immediately, and the rest will be frozen at ultra- low temperature with liquid nitrogen. Once the testing is completed and there is no problem, it can be safely stored for a long time.

However, when the samples were taken out and tested under the testing equipment, the doctors discovered a fact that they could not believe.

When they reported the results to the director of the andrology department, the director of the andrology department was swaying with fright.

Hank and others saw that his face was very ugly, and immediately asked, “What’s the matter? Is there anything unusual?”

The director of the andrology department swallowed his saliva, forced himself to calm down, and said: “Second…Second Master… Third Master…There are also two Young Masters… The results have come out. The survival rate of your four seeds is… the survival rate…”

Seeing him grimacing, Trevor yelled anxiously: “What the hell are you doing here? What the hell is the survival rate, what the hell is you!”

The director of the andrology department had no choice but to bite the bullet and said tremblingly: “The survival rate of your four seeds is zero…”

“What?!” The four of them exclaimed. Carl injured his bladder, and his body was a little weak. One of them couldn’t stand firmly and sat on the ground with a thud.

This news is like a bolt from the blue to the Mozart family!



The survival rate of seeds is zero. Doesn’t this mean that they no longer have the ability to reproduce offspring? !

Hank’s frightened hands were shaking, and even his right hand wrapped in plaster was shaken by him.

He trembled and asked, “What the hell is going on? How could the seed not survive? I have always been normal!”

“Yeah!” Trevor also cried and said, “A few months ago, I just enlarged the belly of a tender model. In order to prevent her from haunting me, it took a million to get her abortion… Why is there no survival rate now?”

When Hank heard this, he slapped him with his left hand angrily, and cursed: “You bastard! We’ve made other people’s stomachs bigger, so we won’t let her give birth?! What if we are born as a son? , Don’t our family have a future?”

Trevor was full of grievances and choked up: “Dad! You reminded me repeatedly that when you asked me to mess around outside, don’t make a woman’s belly bigger, let alone have an illegitimate child. You

said that this would affect me in other colleges. The image in the eyes of the family will reduce my worth a lot, and I will not be able to marry the eldest daughter of the top family in the future, so I will spend money to have her abortion! Isn’t this all according to your intentions?”

Hank yelled, raised his hand and slapped him several times, and while slapped, he cursed resentfully: “Make your mouth cheap! Make your mouth cheap! Make your mouth cheap!!!”

In fact, he knew very well that what his son Trevor said was the truth.

Among the wealthy families in China, marriage is a good match.

This good match depends not only on the strength of the family, but also on the quality of both men and women.

If it is also a hundred-billion-class family, the male looks wretched, and the female has a delicate appearance, then there is no doubt that the eldest lady of this hundred-billion-class family cannot be regarded as the young master of this hundred-billion-class family.

If it is the same hundred billion-class family, men are just like talents, and women are in a mess, the elders and young masters will not compromise.

In addition to looks, if one of them is inferior, it will also greatly reduce their own value.

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