The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 1577

Chapter 1577

Chapter 1577

At Orrin’s words, Albert smiled slightly and said, “Uncle Orrin, Aurous Hill still has a lot to do, so I can’t go back.”



Orrin heard this, nodded lightly, and sighed softly: “I hope you will often come to Eastcliff to see your uncle in the future. Angie and I are looking forward to your return to Eastcliff for development!”

Albert just responded, and didn’t say more.



Orrin also tacitly did not ask this question again. Instead, he asked Albert: “Frank, you said you are going to attend the birthday banquet of your friend’s grandma tomorrow. Are you ready for the gift?”





Albert said: “Not yet, I plan to go to the street to have a look later.”



Although Albert has a rejuvenation pill that is of great significance to the elderly, he and Loreen’s grandma have never even seen each other. Naturally, it was impossible to prepare such an expensive gift for birthday celebrations in the past, so he still planned to buy more than 100,000 Dollar on the street. The gifts on the left and right, expressing your heart, are almost the same.



When Orrin heard this, he smiled and said: “I have a fan in my house. The fan face is a picture of good fortune and longevity painted by Mr. Baishi. The fan bone is a fine-leaf red sandalwood, coupled with a master-level engraver. You might as well take it to give the other party a birthday gift.”

Albert said hurriedly: “Uncle Orrin, how can this be? How can I take your things to give away, I should buy one myself.”



Orrin insisted: “What is there to be polite between you and your uncle? A fan is nothing but a fan, which is not worth much. But because the subject is a picture of a happy birthday, it is still very good to use it as a birthday gift for the elderly.”

As he said, Orrin hurriedly exhorted, “This is the case, don’t turn away from your uncle, let alone see outsiders! Otherwise, uncle will be angry.”

Seeing his resolute attitude, Albert nodded and said, “Then thank you Uncle Orrin!”




The next morning.

Albert declined Orrin’s kindness to send him a car, and walked out of Edgar’s house alone holding the long gift box he gave.





His wife Cindy sent him an address, and that address was Thomas’s villa.



Thomas’s villa is not far from Edgar’s.



A total of more than 20 minutes by car.

In Eastcliff, the Thomas family can only be regarded as a second-rate family.

Moreover, in the second-rate, it is still the one at the end of the crane.

In the past few years, the Thomas family’s career has declined severely. If it hadn’t been for Loreen’s aunt to marry the Kilgore family, the Kilgore family had given the Thomas family a hand. The Thomas family’s fear would have fallen to the level of a third-rate family.

But this is Eastcliff after all, even if it is a family at the end of the second-tier, placed in other second-tier cities, it can definitely become the top.

Because of this, although the Thomas family has fallen a little, the Thomas family mansion is very luxurious. A grand luxury villa costs at least 300 million.

Albert’s taxi could only stop at the door of the villa area, and the security management was very strict, so Albert could only call Loreen after getting off the bus at the door and let her come out to pick it up.





When Loreen heard that Albert was here, she ran out almost happily.



Today’s Loreen dressed very beautifully, and because it was her grandmother’s birthday, she also deliberately put on some light makeup, which looked very dignified and generous.

Upon seeing Frank, Loreen said happily: “Frank, you are here!”





As he said, he ran up and hugged him by the arm, pulling him to walk in, and said with excitement, “Go, I will introduce my parents to you.”

Albert hurriedly pulled out his arm and said awkwardly: “Loreen, we can’t do this, it’s not appropriate…”



Loreen deliberately curled her lips and said, “What’s wrong? It’s not good to be close to friends?”

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