The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 1740

Chapter 1740

Chapter 1740

“What?!” Takahashi blurted out in shock: “You mean, Tenglin Quintongtian is dead? Who did it?! Is that the Chinese?!”

“No.” Teng Lin Zhengzhe said with a gloomy expression: “There is a high probability that another ninja family did it!”

“Another ninja family?” Takahashi Machi frowned. “Did you provoke anyone?”

“No.” Teng Lin Zhengzhe said: “Mr. Takahashi, our brothers have been doing things for you all these years. Except for your enemies, we have not made enemies outside, so I suspect that the other party should be directed against you. !”

“Targeting me?!” Takahashi blurted out, “Who is targeting me? And the other party also used ninjas. It seems that the background is not small!”

Teng Lin Zhengzhe asked him: “Mr. Takahashi, do you think it is the Ito family? As far as I know, the famous Koga family in the ninja family has always been closely related to them!”

“This” Takahashi was also a little confused.

Edgar didn’t know what happened to Tenglin Quintongtian and who was killed by him.



So I thought in my heart: “There are not many ninja families in China. Except for the ninjas of the Ito family, the remaining families seem to have no need to be an enemy of me.”

“Could it be that the old dog, Takehiko Ito, is also plotting to kill me?!”

At this time, Maki Takahashi, because he originally wanted to kill Ito Yuhiko, he felt somewhat preconceived in his heart that Ito Yuhiko might also be planning to kill himself!

“It seems that everyone is a swordsman, and they want to put each other to death!”

Thinking of this, he blurted out: “This time the big Chinese family came to Tokyo to meet me first. Ito Yuihiko must be furious, maybe he is targeting me!”

“And I guess, he is now waiting to discuss cooperation with the Banks Family. In order to leave a good impression on the Banks Family, he dare not directly act on me at this time, so he acted on you first. I estimate Ito’s purpose. It is to weaken my strength in advance, and then slowly clean up me!”

Teng Lin Zhengzhe hurriedly asked, “Mr. Takahashi, what shall we do now?”

Takahashi really thought about it for a long time, gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: “Tenglin, you have been a little low-key these days, and you will send more people to watch the bastard secretly and wait for my news. Once I successfully sign the contract with the Banks Family, I will be the first Get rid of that bastard! To snow the shame of my Takahashi family!”

Teng Lin Zhengzhe immediately said: “Good Mr. Takahashi, I will definitely fulfill my mission!”

Maki Takahashi said again: “In addition, you will mobilize a group of people from your family to rush to Kyoto overnight!”

“Go to Kyoto?!” Teng Lin Zhengzhe asked in surprise: “Mr. Takahashi, why should I send people to Kyoto?”

Machi Takahashi said coldly: “Ito Yuhiko’s baby daughter has been recuperating in Kyoto since he was injured. You will monitor her closely. When I started with Ito Yuhiko, I didn’t want to leave any troubles, so his daughter Nanako Ito must also dead!”

“Furthermore, it is good for me to monitor Nanako Ito in advance. If Ito Yuhiko dares to attack me, then I will use his daughter as a threat and force him to dictate himself! In this way, I will have a double insurance!”

Teng Lin Zhengzhe immediately said: “I understand Mr. Takahashi, then I will notify the family, immediately arrange for personnel to go to Kyoto, and secretly monitor Ito Yuhiko’s daughter!”

Maki Takahashi gritted his teeth and said: “Tenglin, you must make sure that as long as I call, your people will immediately kill Nanako Ito!”

Teng Lin Zhengzhe promised: “Mr. Takahashi, don’t worry, Teng Lin should go all out!”

Takahashi hummed, and said, “Tenglin, don’t worry, after you cooperate with me to destroy the Ito family, I will definitely give you a very generous remuneration, and then a generous settlement allowance for your junior .”

Teng Lin Zhengzhe hurriedly said, “Then I would like to thank Mr. Takahashi in advance!”

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