The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 1862

Chapter 1862

Chapter 1862

“Yeah.” Lord Banks said: “You have to adjust yourself, don’t put all your thoughts on Xion. Now the Banks Family’s trouble is even greater. After returning, we will have a meeting to discuss the feasible solutions at this stage. The plan, if we don’t quickly fill up the lost power, some families will be ready to move!”

“Ok, I see!”


At this moment. Eastcliff, Wade family.

The major news of the Banks Family in Japan has instantly detonated the entire Eastcliff public opinion. All the families were shocked by this news, because no one expected that the Banks Family, as the top family in China, would suffer such a big loss and encounter such a big failure in Japan. However, this news is a huge bad news for the Banks Family, but for other families, it is a good news that cannot be better!

The strength of the Banks Family in Eastcliff is indeed too strong. Except for the Wade Family’s barely able to fight him, the gap between the other families and him can be described as heaven and earth.

Now the strength of the Banks Family has been severely damaged. For other families, the gap with the Banks Family has naturally narrowed, so everyone is naturally happy to watch the Banks Family’s jokes.

Among them, the Wade Family was naturally the most excited one, not one of them.

Lord Wade was pacing back and forth in the living room of the villa with excitement, saying, “The masters of the Banks Family have always been a problem to my heart, especially that Xion, young and strong, scary, and capable of doing things. It is very strong, and the execution is outrageous. It has

always been a thorn in my eye and a thorn in my flesh. I didn’t expect that this time the full fold will be in Japan! It is great!”

“Yeah!” Corran on the side was also full of excitement: “The Banks Family is really losing money this time. The top masters have been swept up by Japan. For a long time in the future, they will all have their tails in their hands!”

Lord Wade nodded and asked him, “How is Jon talking with Yuhiko Ito?”

Corran shrugged: “Jon met Yuhiko Ito at the hospital, but Yuhiko Ito doesn’t seem to be interested in continuing this business at this stage, so I don’t seem to be too caring.”

Lord Wade said: “It is also understandable. After all, even ordinary people may not accept this kind of thing after losing his legs. What’s more, Yuhiko Ito, Japan’s top rich man, is understandable for a period of depression.”

Corran asked again: “Then should I let Jon come back, or let him stay in Tokyo to see?”

Lord Wade thought for a while and said, “Let’s stay in Tokyo first, and then visit Yuhiko Ito in two days. Maybe his attitude will loosen. Now there are still a few days before the Chinese New Year. Let Jon stay in Tokyo until the twelfth lunar month. Nine come back again.”

“Okay.” Corran nodded and said, “I will go to Aurous Hill tomorrow morning. It would be great if Mozart was willing to come back for the New Year!”



Corran chuckled and said casually: “It is good if Mozart is willing to come back. If not, we can’t force it…”



Lord Wade said very seriously: “The Wade family itself is not considered prosperous. If Mozart is willing to come back, it will not only give the Wade family a boost, but also lock us in a marriage partner in advance. I dare not say that he can do it. The Zara from the Banks Family, but at least the Stefanie from the Banksn family is within easy reach. Marriage with the Banksn family is not bad. At least the two can be combined to suppress the Banks Family!”



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