The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 1900

Chapter 1900

Chapter 1900

Therefore, he can only comfort his female employee and let her cultivate her body at ease.

After coming out of the ward, Isaac Cameron sighed, wondering when the grandmother Corran could leave when the phone suddenly rang.

The person who called was Corran’s bodyguard.

Isaac Cameron answered the phone: “Hey, this is Isaac Cameron.”

The nervous people on the other end of the phone almost cried, and choked up: “Mr. Cameron, something has happened, Mr. Cameron!”

Isaac Cameron frowned and asked, “What’s the matter? It’s such a fuss.”

There was a shivering voice and said: “Isaac…Mr. Cameron, the eldest lady…she…she was kidnapped!”

There was a buzz in Isaac Cameron’s mind!

What do you mean?

Corran was kidnapped in Aurous Hill?

Who is so bold that even the Wade family dare to tie them?

So, he hurriedly said, “Don’t worry, let me know the matter clearly after the first five to ten!”

The other party hurriedly said, “Today the eldest lady is looking for a woman named Elaine to talk about something, so we accompanied the eldest lady to a beauty salon and met with that Elaine…”

“Unexpectedly…the two of them disappeared in the beauty salon together, and even the clerk and boss of the beauty salon were missing…”

In the next moment, he immediately thought of Ishac.



Morten knew that Ishac had a big quarrel with Corran in the Sky Garden, and the two sides must have been very uncomfortable, so it might really be Ishac’s hand.







So he hurriedly called Ishac and asked as soon as he came up, “Master, where are you?”



Ishac said lightly: “I’m at home, what’s the matter?”



Isaac Cameron said nervously, “Master, did you tie up your aunt?”

Ishac frowned: “No, I don’t even bother to see her, why did I tie her up? Why, she was kidnapped?”



Isaac Cameron was surprised: “Ah? You didn’t do this thing?! That’s bad! This is really going to happen!”

Ishac asked, “What the hell is going on?”



Isaac Cameron blurted out: “Your aunt went to the beauty salon to see your mother-in-law, and said she was going to talk to your mother-in-law in person, but she suddenly disappeared and disappeared in the beauty salon!”

Ishac was shocked, and hurriedly asked him: “What about my mother-in-law? Missing too?! Do you know what she said to my mother-in-law?!”



What Ishac feared most at this time was that Corran would reveal his identity in front of Elaine.



Now, the Banks Family is the enemy he must get rid of, and the Wade family does not know whether it is an enemy or a friend. It is very likely that the two top Eastcliff families are their enemies. If their identity is revealed, they will be exposed to those around them. Brings a lot of danger.

Before these things were resolved, he was not going to tell Diana his identity.



However, if Corran and Elaine show up, then he won’t be able to hide…

Isaac Cameron also heard that Ishac was a little nervous about this matter, and hurriedly said: “Master, I don’t know the specific situation now. I don’t know what your aunt and your mother-in-law said. Now they are both kidnapped. You have to find them first!”



Ishac nodded, and said, “You call Don Albert. His subordinates are scattered all over Aurous Hill and have many eyes and ears. This kind of thing should be able to find a clue!”



March 1, 2023

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