The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 2257

Chapter 2257

Chapter 2257

Xion is only in her early twenties this year, and she has opened up the two lines of Ren Du.

This is already a top-notch existence among the young people of the Elms family and other major martial arts families. Moreover, Xion did not dare to hope that she could get through the third meridian. Her biggest wish now is to strive to make her two lines of Ren and Du more smooth. Because there are multiple dimensions in the measurement of the internal masters. How many odd meridians and eight meridians are connected is just one of them.

The second of these is to see whose meridians are more smooth. Just like Xion, she got through the Ren channel at the age of 15 and the governor channel, Du, at the age of 20. It didn’t take long for her to get through the second channel of Ren Du.

According to the judging standards of people in martial arts, the unobstructed degree of the eight channels of the odd meridian, from one to ten, is divided into ten percent.

Xion first opened up the Ren Vessel, so her Ren Vessel’s smoothness has reached 40%; however, not long after her Governor’s Vessel was opened, the current smoothness of the Governor Vessel has not exceeded 20%.

After investigating Xion’s cultivation level, Benita couldn’t help feeling a little bit emotional.



If you didn’t get the Apocalyptic Books, relying on the Wing Chun boxing you learned when you were young, let alone getting through the Ren Du channel, even the Ren channel would not be able to get through.

In that case, in front of Xion, he was as weak as a vegetable chicken.

But precisely because I have obtained the Apocalyptic Book, mastered the use of Reiki, and supplemented with a lot of rejuvenation pills to improve my strength, my current strength not only crushes the warriors who have broken through the two channels of Ren Du, it is even a strange script A martial arts master who has all the eight meridians is not qualified to fight himself.

After all, compared to internal energy, Reiki is simply a crushing dimensionality reduction blow. It is like the absolute advantage of hot weapons over cold weapons. Benita intentionally raised Xion a little bit, so he used that ray of reiki to directly increase Xion’s Ren Vessel from 40% to 100%.



Xion at this time had already clearly felt the difference. This feeling is very obvious to her. Before, it was as if I had been in a bad cold, my nose was mostly blocked, and it was very difficult to breathe. But now, my breathing became very smooth in an instant, and I felt that compared to before, it was simply one place every day!

She looked at Benita in shock, and blurted out: “Young Master Wade Wade, what have you done to me? Why did my Ren Vessel become all through in an instant?”



Benita smiled lightly and said, “I see your Ren Vessel is smooth. If the degree is not enough, I will help you through it.”



“Ah?!” Xion was shocked as if struck by lightning!

As a person who has been practicing martial arts for more than ten years, she is very aware of the importance of meridian patency.

People in martial arts pay the most attention to opening up the number of meridians, and they have been smooth. The two are horizontal and vertical, and one is indispensable.

Because the Ren channel is the first channel of the eight meridians and the foundation of martial art, whether and to what extent the next seven meridians can be opened depends almost entirely on how strong the foundation laid by the Ren channel.

Therefore, she has always hoped to increase the smoothness of the Ren Vessel to another level.

Even if it only increased from 40% to 50%, it is a remarkable improvement!

But she couldn’t think of it. Benita just gave her own pulse for such a short time, and then quietly increased the smoothness of her own pulse from 40% to 100%!



For people in martial arts, one meridian can reach ten percent smoothness, which means that this meridian has become fully functional.

Meridian Mastery, in the realm of martial arts, is a realm that only exists in legends!

According to the genealogy records, even the ancestor of the Elms family who opened up the four meridians did not achieve success in his Ren Channel, but only reached the realm of 80%.

Now, Benita helped Xion raise the Ren Vessel to 100%, which is simply helping her strengthen the foundation of martial arts more than twice!



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