The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 2479

Chapter 2479

Chapter 2479

This woman is the young actress, Megan Endris. Everyone in the entertainment industry knows that there is a super powerful benefactor behind Megan, but most people don’t know who the benefactor is. Since playing with James, Megan’s resources in the entertainment industry are so good that all actors are envious. Other actresses, with good resources, usually have the opportunity to appear in some larger movies and TV series every three to five years. Those actresses with good resources can shoot an annual drama by a well-known director every year.

Actresses like Megan with extremely good resources generally don’t have to do anything. The benefactor behind her will spend money to invite the best director, the hottest actor, and the hottest supporting role to play around her. A role completely tailored for her alone. It was James who directly took several hundred million, and invited a bunch of big names in the entertainment industry to come and serve her. Mixing in the entertainment industry in this way can be said to be earth-shattering. It is precisely because of James’s energy in the entertainment circle that Megan is obedient to him. No matter where she is or what she is doing, as long as James makes a call, she will fly to James to accompany him no matter how far away, and take care of him.

James’s assistant directly invited Megan into the elevator, and then used the elevator administrator’s key to adjust the elevator to the manual control state, and directly let the elevator go to the top floor. As long as the manual state is adjusted inside the elevator, it will be useless for anyone outside to press the elevator on any floor, and the elevator will not stop. Within dozens of seconds, the elevator came to the top floor of the hotel.

As soon as the elevator door opened, the assistant stepped forward and respectfully said: “Miss Megan, please come with me!”

Megan also hurriedly followed, walking quickly, raising her wrist, looking at the time on her watch. At this time, there are still about forty seconds before the ten-minute deadline James said. Megan breathed a sigh of relief, and forty seconds was enough to go to James’s room. Although James was

late for a few minutes, he might not be angry, but Megan still did not dare to let him have any dissatisfaction with her. She knew that serving James well was the most important thing for her right now.

When he came to the entrance of the presidential suite, the assistant pressed the doorbell and whispered: “Boss, Miss Megan is here.”

There was no response in the room. The assistant rang the doorbell again, but there was still no movement in the room.

He turned around and said to Megan: “The boss may be taking a bath, wait a moment, and I will press it again.”

Megan hurriedly said, “I’ll call him!” As he said, she took out her mobile phone and gave James a call. Soon, the phone ringing was faintly heard in the room, but not only did James not answer the phone, there was no other sound in the room.

The assistant’s expression froze suddenly, and he blurted out nervously: “Something’s happened! It’s probably an accident!”

“An accident?! What’s wrong ?!” Megan was shocked when she heard this.

The assistant hurriedly said: “I don’t know what happened, please wait a moment!” After saying that, he immediately took out his cell phone, made a call, and whispered: “Come on, the boss may have an accident. Hurry!”

Five seconds later, the doors of several rooms near the elevator entrance opened almost at the same time.

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