The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 2866

Chapter 2866

Chapter 2866

Charlie hadn’t expected that after only a few words Wilfred would give him such face and offer up the inner boxing technique of the Elms family.

Moreover, based on his understanding of Xion, she definitely wouldn’t have immediately revealed to her grandfather that he might give the Elms family a complete internal boxing technique just because he gave her a mobile phone.

Therefore, it can be seen that Wilfred is not only grateful, but he can indeed make a trade-off.

This is a very rare quality.

From the feudal society to today countless ancient skills have been lost.

This loss was due to the many people who’d mastered the skills were self made.

Even if the skill was taken to the grave, they were unwilling to pass it on to outsiders.

This caused a heavy loss of ancient skills and culture that had been developed over thousands of years.

It’s like the inner family boxing technique that the ancestors of the Elms family got by accident.

If its previous master had been willing to share, it wouldn’t end up as a fragmented scroll.

So, based on the old man’s attitude, Charlie’s first impression of him was very good.

Charlie arched his hand at him and said seriously, “I can feel rest assured now about this matter with your words Mr. Elms.

I hope that you can train more masters for me in the future.

There are also some retired special forces who are well versed with modern weapons.

They have strong professional skills with modern weapons, lurking, and tracking.

If you are interested then the Elms family can also learn these skills.

By combining tradition and modern combat skills you can achieve a much better and stronger combat effectiveness.”

Hearing this, Mr. Elms suddenly said excitedly, “That’s really great! We actually had this idea a long time ago, and even mentioned it to the Banks Family at the time, however the Banks Family patriarch was very afraid that we would have too much power in terms of automatic weapons and modern scientific equipment and wouldn’t allow us access to them or the training, so we’ve never found a suitable opportunity.”

The control of modern weapons is extremely strict.

Although many of the bodyguards of the Banks Family and the Wade family were retired special forces, the weapons and equipment were heavily regulated.

Without extremely powerful abilities, it is impossible to acquire them.

Even though the Elms family is a top-notch martial arts family, they can’t do modern weapon training for family members in any significant manner.

Without external support, it would be really difficult to achieve proper training and equipment.

But Charlie had options.

After all, Isaac Cameron himself had a certain amount of connections and could solve the problem concerning modern weapons to at least a certain extent.

Even if Isaac Cameron was unable to make headway on that problem, Charlie also had his new friend in Syria, Hamid.

If the first option didn’t work, He’d just send the person directly to Hamid for serious training for a period of time, during which there may even be a chance to participate in the actual combat exercises.

Such an arrangement would definitely get twice the results with half the effort.

Thinking of this, Charlie said to Wilfred, “I will let Isaac arrange this matter and implement it as soon as possible.”

After that, he turned around and said to Isaac Cameron, “Isaac, acquire some land in the suburbs of Aurous Hill, and we will build an indoor training base.”

Isaac Cameron immediately said, “Yes master, I will start the selection process tomorrow and choose a proper site.”

Charlie nodded, then said to Wilfred, “Mr. Elms, let’s go inside and take a look at the house first.

If there is any dissatisfaction, just let me know.”

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