The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 2903

Chapter 2903

Chapter 2903

When Kit Fuller hung up the phone, his expression was venomous.

He really hadn’t expected that an old thing like Mr. Mai would dare to negotiate terms with himself.

Just as he was resentful in his heart, something suddenly tumbling in his arms, he hurriedly reached in and took out the Gu worm from his arms.

As soon as the white and fat worm came out, it twisted its body vigorously, and kept making squeaking sounds.

The Gu worm seemed to be a little dissatisfied and was protesting.

Kit Fuller touched it while he spoke in comforting words, “Don’t worry, don’t worry, I know you didn’t eat enough last time, don’t worry.

I have prepared two meals for you tonight, and you will surely eat well!”

The big white worm seemed to be able to understand what Kit Fuller said.

When Kit Fuller said the worm would eat well, it immediately stopped it’s dissatisfied protest, and cleverly rolled repeatedly in Kit Fuller’s palm.

Kit Fuller then smiled evilly and said to himself, “Mr. Mai, since you are such an old man, don’t blame my ruthlessness! Today is your death day, tonight I will use you and your great-grandson’s brains to feed my baby!”


At this moment, Mr. Mai hung up the phone, looked at Charlie next to him, and said honestly, “Master Wade, I’ve done what you asked me to do.”

Charlie nodded slightly and said lightly, “Then you have to work hard, for you will accompany me to Phoenix Mountain Cemetery tonight.

Mr. Mai’s face suddenly became shocked, and he blurted out, “Master Wade, didn’t you say that I only had to help you arrange an appointment with Kit Fuller? Why must I go with you now?

Charlie said, “The area of Phoenix Mountain Cemetery is very big.

If you don’t show up, Kit Fuller will probably not show up either.

If he notices something abnormal and runs away, he will immediately guess that you betrayed him.

Do you think he will let you go?

Mr. Mai’s expression immediately became very ugly.

“Charlie was right.

Since I have made an appointment with Kit Fuller to meet at Phoenix Mountain Cemetery, if anything goes wrong, Kit Fuller will suspect that I betrayed him immediately.

If he wanted to retaliate against me, there’s nothing I could do to stop him.”

Thinking of this, he thought again in his heart, “But, if I follow along, and Charlie can’t kill Kit Fuller, then won’t I be buried with him!? Kit Fuller’s methods are so cruel, his Gu worm alone is extremely powerful.

If Charlie isn’t strong enough, we’ll both end up as worm food!”

At this time, Mr. Mai kept thinking about any situation that might happen and the corresponding results.

After thinking about it, he still felt that he had to believe in Charlie and hope that Charlie could kill Kit Fuller.

The reason is also very simple.

If Charlie kills Kit Fuller, he still has a chance to survive; but if Charlie can’t kill Kit Fuller, he will undoubtedly die.

So he had no choice but to bite the bullet and said, “Okay, Master Wade, I will go to Phoenix Mountain with you.”

In the evening, Charlie drove Claire home, and then ran out of the house on the pretext of something he had to take care of.

At the gate of Thompson First, Don Albert had parked a taxi on the side of the road.

In front of the taxi, the words “Not in service” were displayed.

Don Albert had waited here for a long time, and when Charlie came out, he hurriedly got out of the car and said respectfully, “Master Wade, you are here.”

Charlie nodded, pointed to the taxi and asked him, “Is there nothing wrong with this car?

Don Albert said hurriedly, “This is a standard operating taxi.

The license plates and certificates are real, so don’t worry.”

Charlie said with satisfaction, “Okay, well done, give me the car key.”

Don Albert didn’t dare to delay, and hurriedly handed the key to Charlie and then said, “Master Wade, if you have any Questions, please feel free to contact me.”

“Okay.” Charlie nodded slightly, shook the car key, and said, “I’ll go first.”

After speaking, he got into the cab of the taxi, started the car, and drove towards Shangri-La.

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