The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 2915

Chapter 2915

Chapter 2915

Charlie put away the ambergris and looked at Master Mai.

He also felt that this bad old man was more pleasing to his eyes than before.

So he said, “From tonight, Mike and you will stay at Shangri-La.

I will have someone arrange a room for you, provide you with three meals a day, and other daily necessities.

The only price is that you can’t contact the outside world for the time being, let alone leave the hotel or Aurous Hill without authorization.”

With that, Charlie added, “This is the best solution I can give you.

Trust me, Shangri-La is much more comfortable than the dog farm.”

Master Mai was in no position to object, so he bowed honestly and said, “Everything should follow Master Wade’s instructions”

Charlie nodded and called Isaac Cameron.

More than ten minutes later, Isaac arrived in a helicopter.

Isaac left two subordinates to deal with the taxi Charlie had driven to the cemetery, then brought Charlie and Master Mai away from Phoenix Mountain.

After sending Charlie back to Thompson First, Isaac took Master Mai back to Shangri-La, found a room in the closed administrative area, and arranged for accommodations for both him and Mike.

At the same time, their mobile phones were also confiscated, and the phone in the room was decommissioned.

After Charlie arrived home, he stored the ambergris in the underground storage room of the Thompson First Villa.

Once the other medicinal herbs were ready, he would take time to start refining the Cultivation Pill.

The next morning, there was another rumor circulating in Aurous Hill.

It was said that last night, suddenly lightning hit Phoenix Mountain Cemetery.

Some said that lightning hit a car, and the driver of the car was incinerated into flying ashes.

It was also said that the thunder and lightning last night was the fierce ghost who killed before who was punished by God.

Some people even said that A powerful deity was in Phoenix Mountain Cemetery last night.

The rumors of ghosts and shadows were endless.

However, Charlie no longer paid attention to these rumours.

He had made an appointment with Zoey to meet at Emgrand Group, so he dropped Claire off at the Emgrand Hotel construction site early and drove to Emgrand Group.

Doris had been waiting here for a long time.

Zoey was the first to arrive at the Emgrand Group.

After showing her identification, she was immediately invited to Doris’s office.

Doris had not met Zoey, but she knew that Zoey was the assistant invited by Charlie and the only daughter of Professor Riley of Aurous Hill University of Finance and Economics.

Therefore, as soon as she saw Zoey, she showed full enthusiasm.

After all, in the future, both of them would work for Charlie, although the two of them do not distinguish between superiors and subordinates.

In the future, she will be responsible for a part of the business, but Doris still hoped to have a good relationship with Zoey and strive to be Charlie’s right hand.

Although Zoey graduated from the world’s top universities, she didn’t have enough practical experience in the final analysis.

Seeing Doris, a strong woman who gradually rose to become the boss of a 100 billion market capitalization enterprise based purely on her own achievements, she also had full respect.

Moreover, she really didn’t expect that Doris would be so young.

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