The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 2976

Chapter 2976

Chapter 2976

Cynthia instantly got goosebumps all over her body.

She found that Charlie was really evil.

She couldn’t help but say in her heart: “If you don’t want to let Jonas go, just say that you can’t forgive him, and it’s useless for anyone to try to help?”

“But you are in front of Jonas.

So if I admit that I don’t want to help him, doesn’t that make me unjust? Maybe I’ll be his stepmother in the future.

If I was tricked by you in this matter, wouldn’t this kid want to be hostile to me in the future?

So Cynthia could only bite the bullet and plead “Charlie, Jonas is actually a good person, but sometimes he gets a little hot headed, and I hope you can give auntie some face and forgive him.

Give him a pass just this once.”

Charlie smiled and said “I’m sorry, auntie, you really don’t have much face with me!” After that, Charlie’s voice became cold and stern.

“If you didn’t come to Aurous Hill so arrogantly in the beginning, I would think of you as one of my elders, I would have given you face and respect.”

“But, you are wrong and self-righteous!”

“You are always arrogant, and it feels like the whole world has to obey your command!”

“However, I don’t care about your domineering ways around the world, they won’t work in Aurous Hill!”

Cynthia was extremely depressed by Charlie’s remarks, but she can not disclose any dissatisfaction, she can only make compromises, and said: “Charlie, aunt previously did a lot of reflection on this matter over time, I am deeply aware of my mistakes ……”

Then, she said again: “As for Jonas, I believe he was also confused for a while.

Give him a chance to reform.

He will definitely be able to realize where he went wrong, and he will definitely be able to…”

Charlie interrupted her directly and said indifferently: “Okay, you don’t have to intercede for him anymore.

An arrogant and domineering second generation like you can’t really realize where he is wrong.”

Jonas cried and said, “Master Wade, I know I was wrong.

I didn’t know my place and offended you.

I will never do this again in the future.

Please forgive me this time…”

Charlie sneered.

“Look, you think you are able to see, but don’t know your place.

Which proves that you didn’t realize your real mistakes! What is the point in saying you know, but still not understanding your place? But it’s just like seeing other people who are better than you.

The stronger ones, you will kneel down and lick their boot; the weaker one, you jump up and step on it.

You are just like garbage, you can’t put it back into use before it is completely recycled!”

Then, he took the phone from Jonas.

Said to Cynthia on the other end of the phone: “I heard that you have a good relationship with Jonas’s father, so please help me to pass a message to him.”

Cynthia Wade hurriedly said: “Say it, I will pass it to him! ”

Charlie said: “It’s not impossible for me to let Jonas go.

I’ll give him two options.

One is to stay in Aurous Hill temporarily, and when my shipping company starts, he will go directly to my ship as a seaman for two years.

He won’t be allowed to disembark for two years.

When the time is up after two years, I will let him leave!”

Cynthia Wade’s eyelids twitched!

Be a seaman for two years?! How many hardships would he have to suffer?

When Jonas heard this, his whole body collapsed completely.

He didn’t expect Charlie to be so cruel!

He is a member of the entertainment industry, and he will continue to be in the entertainment industry in the future.

If he lets himself be a seaman on a boat for two years, isn’t his career in the entertainment industry completely finished?

What’s more, he cannot disembark for two years.

What is the difference between this and two years in jail?!

Thinking of this, he blurted out and asked: “What is the second option?!”

Charlie glanced at him, and said lightly: “The second option is, I break your legs and you crawl all the way back to Eastcliff!”

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