The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 3017

Chapter 3017

Chapter 3017

Twenty minutes later.

Fitz’s motorcade drove into the underground garage of Emgrand Group.

Doris Young arranged for her secretary and the person in charge of the security department of Emgrand Group to wait in the underground garage in advance.

As soon as the convoy arrived, they immediately stepped forward to receive them respectfully, and then took Fitz and his entourage from the special elevator in the underground garage to the top floor of the Emgrand Building.

Fitz really enjoyed the feeling of importance.

In his opinion, a company of 100 billion dollars like the Emgrand Group should be like they are now when facing himself, the young master of the Banks Family.

They are all very respectful, it was a feeling he enjoyed.

Doris Young’s female secretary led the way and said as she walked: “Master Banks, our VP is waiting for you in the office, but her office is not too big, so your entourage will go to the next conference room to take a break, I will ask someone to arrange tea for them.”

Fitz nodded gently.

He didn’t want to bring a lot of people into the office to talk about things anyways.

Moreover, he also didn’t think there was any danger in coming to a company with a market value of 100 billion.

So he said to his assistant: “You go to the conference room and wait for me.

The assistant immediately nodded and said, “Yes master!

Fitz’s assistant and bodyguard were ushered into the meeting room, and Doris Young’s female secretary brought Fitz to Doris Young’s office alone.

The female secretary knocked on the door, and Doris Young personally took the office.

The door opened and she saw Fitz and said respectfully: “Hello Master Banks, I am Doris Young, Vice Chairman of the Emgrand Group.

I very much welcome your presence, and let our Emgrand Group flourish!

Fitz did not expect it.

Doris Young of the Emgrand Group turned out to be such a beautiful and charming lady.

Seeing her wearing a professional suit with a knee-length skirt and her slightly curly wavy hair, he was a bit stunned for a while.

Originally in his mind, since this Doris Young had used her own efforts to become the vice-chairman of the Emgrand Group, then she would have to be at least thirty-five or even over forty years old.

After all, it takes time and experience to advance in the workplace.

No one would believe that a woman under the age of thirty can rely on her strength to become the second-in-command of a company with a market value of 100 billion dollars.

It was precisely because of this fixed mode of thinking in his heart that he felt amazed the moment he saw Doris Young.

Therefore, he nodded very gentlemanly and said: “I didn’t expect Ms.

Young to be so young and to become the second-in-command of a company at such a young age.

The personal ability of Ms.

Young is definitely very remarkable.

Doris Young smiled slightly and said humbly, “Master Banks, you are too kind.”

After that, she hurriedly turned to her side and said, “Master Banks, please come in”!

“Okay!” Fitz nodded and strode into Doris Young’s office.

Doris said to her secretary: “Go and prepare for Master Banks some good tea.”

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