The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 3047

Chapter 3047

Chapter 3047

Angie laughed: “That’s really great, when we work together as a family of three, your father and I will definitely be able to relax a lot.”

Just then, a knock sounded at the door, so Charlie said, “Come in!”

Just as the words fell, Don Albert dragged a fine tray with one hand and pushed the door in with the other.

On the tray, there were three glass cups filled with plain water, as well as a long fruit knife.

Don Albert placed the tray carefully in front of Charlie and said respectfully, “Master Wade, the water and knife you want are here.”

Charlie nodded and smiled faintly, “Thank you for your hard work.”

Don Albert was busy saying, “Master Wade, you are too polite, if there is nothing else I will go out first.”


After Don Albert left, Stefanie asked Charlie, “Charlie, what do you need the water and the knife for?”

Charlie laughed: “You’ll know soon.”

Saying so, he took out a very delicate rosewood box from his pocket.

When he opened the rosewood box, Orrin immediately recognized the pill that was placed in it.

He knew that this was the miracle pill that had saved his life and even made him a dozen or twenty years younger.

Angie and Stefanie, mother and daughter, had also witnessed this miracle, so naturally, they were also extremely impressed by this Rejuvenation Pill.

However, the three members of the family did not know why Charlie suddenly took out such a precious treasure.

At this moment, Charlie directly took out the Rejuvenation Pill, and then took the fruit knife that Don Albert sent over, and divided the Rejuvenation Pill into three equal parts.

Only then did , this family of three, also finally realized why Charlie did this.

Orrin and his wife, Angie, both had some inexplicable nervousness, excitement, and vague anticipation deep inside.

It was not that they had always coveted the Rejuvenation Pill, but both of them had almost reached the age of knowing their fate, and the more they reached this age, the more they longed for the youth that had passed away.

Usually, they did not dare to hope that they would still have the chance to have a Rejuvenation Pill, so when they saw Charlie take out one and share it equally among three, the two of them had already realized what Charlie was going to do, and their hearts were naturally excited.

Immediately afterward they saw Charlie put these three portions of the Rejuvenation Pill into three cups of pure water.

Miraculously, the solid Rejuvenation Pill, as soon as it entered the pure water, immediately dissolved into the water.

The pure water that had melted the Rejuvenation pill was still crystal clear, as if the Rejuvenation Pill had disappeared directly into the water.

Subsequently, Charlie handed the three cups of water melted with the Rejuvenation Pill to the three people in front of him and said, “Uncle Orrin, Auntie Angie, Daisy, you are all in good health now, but because of the intensity of your work, you are in a slightly worse state, especially Auntie Angie it is relatively obvious, after all, you have been working more during this time, and when Uncle Orrin was sick before, you were worried and bothered.”

“In these three cups of water, each cup has one-third of a rejuvenation pill, although it can’t make you ten or twenty years younger, but it can at least restore your body, skin and mental state to five or eight years ago.”

“It can also greatly replenish the body’s need for vital energy, and it can also give the three of you a great boost in energy and stamina in your future work life.”

Speaking of this, Charlie looked at the excited Angie and said with a smile, “Auntie Angie, if you drink this water, not only will your strenuous condition be completely relieved, your skin, as well as your body, will also be more youthful, and it is estimated that by then, people who don’t know will think you are less than thirty-five years old!”

“As for Uncle Orrin, you are also estimated to reach the state of thirty-eight or thirty-nine years old.”

“As for Daisy, it is estimated that the whole feeling of your body can return to the state of eighteen years old.”

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