The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 3067

Chapter 3067

Chapter 3067

Lady Wilson also broke down and cried: “In the past, grandmother certainly did something wrong, you can blame grandmother, grandmother has nothing to say, but I have loved you for so many years, and you do not know how to be grateful? You don’t know how to be grateful to me, but you even said that Charlie has been kind to you, you talk like this, don’t you think you are losing your conscience?”

The angry Wendy said without thinking, “Of course I don’t feel guilty! When I was forced to sign a contract of sale at the Etiquette Company, it was my brother-in-law who rescued me!”

Wendy said, with tears in her eyes, continued, “Brother-in-law not only saved me, but also drove away the black-hearted boss and his lackeys, and restored the freedom of all the other sisters who were forced to sign those evil contracts!”

“And, I tell you the truth, it was my brother-in-law who gave me the Pearl Etiquette Company to take care of! Everything I have is all because of my brother-in-law’s care! The noble man I am talking about is him!”

When Lady Wilson heard this, her whole body was shocked, and her eyes fell to the ground.

She had never dreamed that the noble person that Wendy had met was Charlie!

It is ridiculous that she thought that Wendy had enticed the nobleman and that Charlie might have fallen in status.

So she ran over to mock Charlie but did not expect that the reason why their family still has food and drink is because Charlie rewarded them!

At this time, Wendy was more and more excited and said to the Lady Wilson loudly: “Pearl Etiquette Company can grow so quickly, and not because I, Wendy, am capable, but brother-in-law has long

helped me to deal with Don Albert’s men, so these outsiders are now doing everything possible to take care of my business!”

“Don Albert has so many capable officers and so many various industries.

Now as long as there is a place where a courtesy lady is needed, he will definitely look for me to cooperate!”

“Even when there is no need for an etiquette lady at all, they have to ask me to cooperate!”

“Have you ever seen the leader on the road get sick and be hospitalized? Did they ask an etiquette lady to help register for the gift at the door of the ward?”

“Have you ever seen bosses have a meeting and invite dozens of courtesy ladies to greet guests and sign-in?”

“Have you seen bosses marry a daughter-in-law, instead of the hotel’s own waiters, instead spend hundreds of dollars on many courtesy ladies to go to the scene to serve the guests, pour wine, and serve tea?”

“The reason they do so,is all because of the face of brother-in-law, only to help me by all means! Because of this relationship, Pearl can develop so fast!”

Saying that, Wendy pointed at Lady Wilson and rebuked, “The food and clothing that you, my father and my brother have now are all given by brother-in-law!”

“Even this new dress you’re wearing is only possible because of brother-in-law’s blessing!”

“Otherwise, I would have been forced to sign a contract and become an escort at a KTV, so I wouldn’t have any spare money to buy you new clothes!”

“Maybe you would even have to go to the supermarket to pull plastic bags to feed yourself!”

“Now that you have a stable life, you have to come out and make a fool out of yourself, what are you doing?”

“Do you want to force me to leave home and make a clean break with you forever?”

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