The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 3188

Chapter 3188

Chapter 3188

The all-round blockade of Commander Hamid by Dragon Temple has lasted for several days.

During this period, the Dragon Temple did not send troops to invade, the government did not organize new artillery attacks, and Commander Hamid did not send troops to test the reality.

The two sides were completely in a deadlock stage of not violating the river water.

Commander Hamid’s work is very busy these days.

While he has to command a team of thousands of people to intensify construction, he also has to organize direct officers to participate in officer training.

According to Charlie’s explanation, he must actively train middle-level officers to strengthen control over the whole team.

On Charlie’s side, when he heard that Commander Hamid had now entered the truce stage, he was relieved, and then focused on the preparation of the Ocean Transportation Group.

Zara abided by the terms of cooperation with Charlie and brought all the resources of Banks Shipping Group.

In order to cooperate with Charlie, Nanako Ito also personally came forward to establish a joint venture company with Zara.

Charlie borrowed a word from each of the two surnames and named the company Bait (Banks-Ito) Shipping.

The joint venture company, ostensibly, was established by the Ito family and Zara Banks, while the Ito family owned 51% and Zara owned 49%, but in fact, the 51% stake of the Ito family was held by Charlie.

The Banks’ Ocean Transportation Group has been sanctioned before and all its business qualifications have been revoked.

However, because the Ito family is a foreign-funded enterprise and has perfect qualification documents, the nature of Bait Shipping has also become a foreign-led joint venture, bypassing all previous sanctions for the Banks family.

Because Zoey Riley has more experience in enterprise operation and management than Zara, and behind it is her father Professor Riley’s advice, Zoey is the CEO.

As the CEO of Bait Shipping, she cooperated with Zara to jointly manage Bait Shipping.

Although Charlie is the controlling major shareholder of the company, he still intends to be his palm shaker and normally does not interfere in the operation of the company.

Because the Ito family is currently the number one powerful family in Japan, and Zara is also the granddaughter of the Banks family of the first family in China, and she has attracted the attention of the whole country because of her experience.

Therefore, as soon as the news of her cooperation with the Banks family’s shipping group was released, she immediately appeared on the front page in major news media headlines.

Zoey felt that this was a good opportunity to take the play a wave of free advertising, so she took the initiative to find Charlie, and planned to choose a good day, hold a press conference, and officially announce the establishment of Bait Shipping, which can be regarded as a step to start the popularity.

Charlie naturally had no objection, so Zoey discussed it with Zara and decided to strike while the iron was hot and hold a press conference as soon as possible.

It happened that Nanako hadn’t left yet, so after several women sat down and discussed, they were ready to hold a powerful press conference at the Shangri-La Hotel led by Nanako and Zara.

Many media at home and abroad were invited to participate in the press conference.

As a hidden boss, Charlie was also asked to be present.

Therefore, on the day of the press conference, Charlie came to Shangri-La Hotel early to attend today’s press conference.

For this press conference, Isaac Cameron specially rearranged the banquet hall of Shangri-La Hotel, which was enough to accommodate hundreds of journalists and guests.

In addition to media reporters, many face-headed people in Aurous Hill were also invited to the scene.

When Charlie arrived at Shangri-La Hotel, the reporter and guests had not yet arrived at the entrance time.

Isaac Cameron came to the main door to meet him.

After giving Charlie’s car to the parking attendant, he said to Charlie, “Young master, Miss Ito, Miss Banks, Miss Moore and Miss Riley are all in the VIP lounge.

Do you want me to take you there now?”

Charlie nodded and said, “Take me there.”

Isaac Cameron hurriedly led the way ahead.

As he walked, he whispered to Charlie, “Young master, Butler Stephen just called me to confirm your time of arrival in Eastcliff.”

Charlie said, “On April 5th, it is the festival, wouldn’t I just go to Eastcliff on April 4th?”

Isaac Cameron said quickly, “Butler Stephen said that the early morning of April 5th is the ancestor worship ceremony.

Such a large ancestor worship ceremony usually needs to confirm all the ancestral sacrifice process two or three days in advance.

At that time, a family meeting will be held, and you will also participate in it.”

Charlie thought for a moment and said, “I will just arrange to go to the ceremony, and I won’t participate in the meeting.

I will come as soon as I want to.”

Isaac Cameron explained, “Young master, Stephen knows that you don’t want to go there early, but he still wants me to convey it to you.

He hopes that you can go to Eastcliff on April 3.

You don’t need to attend the family meeting, but April 4th is the last meeting before the ancestor worship ceremony.

You’d better be present.

There is a lot of special tediousness in it.

The etiquette and process of it all, if you don’t communicate well in advance, it may get complicated and inconvenient.”

Charlie hesitated for a moment and nodded and said, “Okay, I’ll go there on April 3rd!”

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