The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 3220

Chapter 3220

Chapter 3220

At this moment, he felt as if he saw the appearance of hell.

He looked at Charlie with horror in his eyes, and blurted out, “Who are you?”

Charlie smiled slightly: “My surname is Wade, you can call me Master Wade!”

The government commander on the side was already shocked.

He himself advocated peace talks.

Hearing these words, he strengthened his views even more.

So, he blurted out subconsciously: “Master Wade, if we withdraw, can you leave the opposition camp and join the government? If you can, everything from before can be written off, and we will give Hamid full autonomy, even He can be allowed to remain neutral in our battles with other opposition forces.

I wonder if Commander Hamid would agree?”

The government forces themselves are very pessimistic about attacking Hamid.

Therefore, they even hope to include Hamid.

Because they recognized Hamid’s warfare capabilities very much.

If he could join the government army, it would really be the best of both worlds.

When Calum heard this, he immediately said angrily: “What do you mean? Don’t forget, Hamid still carries the blood debt of more than 2,500 brothers in the Ten Thousand Dragon Temple!”

Charlie said calmly: “This debt you are welcome to come and discuss it at any time.

As I said just now, our weapons and ammunition are enough to kill you eight times, even eighteen times, and the soldiers are itching for action these days.

If you want to be a man, you’d better immediately launch an offensive, if you are a tortoise with a shrunken head , then we can continue to stalemate, we don’t care.”

Calum’s blood surged, thinking of the Lord Wesley’s confession of his own affairs, he yelled along the way: “Wade, go back and tell Hamid that it can take five or ten days, but I, Calum Edwards, will definitely fight with my troops and kill all of you!”

The government commander suddenly became anxious and blurted out: “Calum! What do you mean?”

Charlie smiled and said: “Don’t you see this? They are deliberately sabotaging the peace talks between us and you, and they don’t want us to join the government army!”

Calum didn’t expect Charlie to call out his fundamental motives at once, and hurriedly concealed: “I don’t mean that! You provoked me, step by step!”

Charlie ignored him and said to the government army commander instead: “We in China have a fable, called the snipe and the clam fight, and the fisherman gains profit.

It probably means that a long-billed water bird wants to eat a plump river mussel, but its mouth is tightly clamped by the river mussel, and the two sides are in a stalemate.

When it was not going down, the fishermen who were fishing passed by here, and put these two guys into the bag.”

Speaking of this, Charlie said again: “Now, you are the water bird, we are the river mussel, and the Dragon Temple is the fisherman! What they hope most is that Syria will always be in turmoil, the government will never have a peaceful day, and there will be no self-protection.

In this way, they can only cede to the Ten Thousand Dragon Temple and ask for the help and protection of the Ten Thousand Dragon Temple.

They can maximize your interests in Syria.”

Calum blurted out: “You don’t talk nonsense here! The terms of our cooperation with the government forces are that after all opposition forces are eliminated, the government forces will allocate land to us to establish mercenary bases! At that time, the entire Syrian interior will be protected and peaceful, and there will be no snipes and clams competing and the fishermen benefiting!”

The government commander frowned and said seriously: “Our cooperation agreement with Ten Thousand Dragon Temple is indeed like this, only after we have eliminated all the opposition factions, we will give them land and let them establish bases in Syria, so the kind of situation you mentioned does not exist.”

Charlie sneered: “Hey, you are really stupid, you really think they will help you completely eliminate the opposition? Only if Syria is in a state of turmoil and always needs their help can they continue to ask for various benefits from you! You think about it again, if the time comes.

Syria is truly peaceful, and your government can accept it indifferently, should there be a powerful armed organization such as the Ten Thousand Dragon Temple in your territory? At that time, even if the Ten Thousand Dragon Temple does not break the contract, you will definitely break the contract, because our Chinese ancestors have long said that where the couch is, it allows others to sleep peacefully!”

“So I submit to you that even if Ten Thousand Dragon Temple apparently helps you clear out the opposition, after they get your 100 square kilometers of land, they will definitely cultivate new opposition in secret, and send them out and continue to oppose you, continuing to drag you into the

quagmire of war! In that case, you will fall into a scorched civil war again, but that has nothing to do with the Ten Thousand Dragon Temple.”

“At that time, the Ten Thousand Dragon Temple may find you again, and propose you give them one hundred square kilometers of land, and then they help you eliminate all opposition! So again you go down, like a wounded man covered with wounds, your festering wound repeatedly healing and wounding, over and over.

Under the torture of these people, you will never be a healthy and strong man, you can only live in their shadow forever!”.

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