The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 3284

Chapter 3284

Chapter 3284

“When you come back here, they will only do everything possible to squeeze you and your life…”

Helena hurriedly comforted, “Mom, don’t worry too much.

Jon’s cousin and the entire Wade family are not very good at dealing with each other, so I guess he won’t tell others.”

Helena’s mother breathed a sigh of relief and said seriously, “That’s good… Mom hopes that you can live a good life in China, thousands of kilometers away from the royal family, you can also get rid of their control and live more freely…”

Helena couldn’t help but choked up, and nodded again and again, “Mom, you have to take care of your body, don’t worry about me.”

“Okay…” Helena’s mother nodded, remembering something, and then said, “By the way, your grandma has not been very healthy recently, so your uncle said that he and your cousin should take care of her every step of the way.

There is no way that she can go to China to attend the engagement ceremony between you and Jon.

At that time, your grandma’s butler, Wilkins, will be present on behalf of the royal family.”

Helena gave a wry smile and said, “I only agreed to marry them with the Wade family.

They shouldn’t even bother to attend the engagement banquet.

This is too snobbish…”

Helena’s mother shook her head and said, “It’s not your problem.

It’s that your grandma’s condition is really not so good.

She is now bedridden.

The medical team has transformed her room into an intensive care unit.

There are several doctors every day.

The nurses are always watching her condition.”

Helena hurriedly asked, “Is it so serious? What exactly is going on?”

“Very serious” Helena’s mother said, “The specific situation is very complicated, mainly because she is older, and many organs in the body are on the verge of exhaustion.

I heard that she has two or three months left at most.

In the past few days, in private, your uncle has already begun quietly preparing for your cousin’s enthronement ceremony.”

Helena nodded lightly and said seriously, “If Olivia finally inherits the throne, it will be a good thing for us.

At least she will remember the sisterhood relationship between me and her for so many years, and be nice to you.”

“I hope.” Helena’s mother gave a wry smile, and said, “Since your father passed away, the royal family has no longer regarded me as a member of the royal family.

If Olivia inherits the throne, there may not be much change.”

Helena hurriedly said, “When Olivia takes the throne, I will find a chance to talk to Olivia, at least I must restore the standard of living given to you by the royal family every month when my father was alive.

If it doesn’t work, I’ll take and bring you here to China.”

“Forget it.” Helena’s mother said in distress, “You aren’t married into the Wade family yet, everything is still unknown, I will not trouble you.”

Helena sighed and was about to speak when the doorbell rang suddenly.

She said to her mother, “Mom, someone rings the doorbell, I’ll go see it.”

“Go.” Helena’s mother reminded her, “You don’t have to worry about me, you must pay attention to your body.”

“I know mom.”

After hanging up the video, Helena came to the door of the room and observed through the eye hole, and found that standing outside the door turned out to be Jon’s aunt Cynthia Wade and the Wade family’s butler Stephen Thompson.

She hurriedly opened the door and said politely, “Ms.

Wade and Mr.

Stephen, why are you here?”

Cynthia Wade looked at Helena, stepped forward, grabbed Helena’s hand, and said with a smile, “Oh Helena, Jon’s grandfather heard that you are not feeling well, so he told me to come and see you quickly.”

With that said, Cynthia asked with a look of concern, “Helena, how are you doing now? Do you want to go to the hospital? If necessary, you can tell me and I will arrange it.”

Helena hurriedly shook her head and said, “Thank you, Ms.

Wade, for your kindness.

There is nothing wrong with me.

I have not adjusted from the jet lag in the past few days.

I went to the airport again today, so I feel a little tired.

It should be no problem to take a break.”

Cynthia nodded and smiled, “Yes, yes.

This jet lag is really the most painful thing.

We are also worried that if your body does not get enough rest for a long time, you will definitely be overwhelmed.

And you know, the day after tomorrow.

The ancestor worship ceremony of the Wade Family is about to be held.

The ancestor worship ceremony of the Wade Family is very cumbersome.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it will take a whole day, and then you will definitely be more tired.”

Speaking of this, Cynthia said with concern, “So Jon’s grandfather asked me to bring a few medical experts from our own hospital, and let them do a systematic and comprehensive examination for you first.

When you arrive here in China, what symptoms do you have because of fatigue?”

When Helena heard this, her heart suddenly became tense.

She knows her condition very well, and she can’t hide it from professional doctors.

The doctor only needs to make an electrocardiogram for herself, and through the abnormalities on the electrocardiogram, she can see the huge hidden problems in her body.

The Wade family suddenly wanted to send someone to do a physical examination for herself, of course Helena did not dare to agree.

So she blurted out almost without thinking, “Ms.

Wade, thank you for your kindness, but there is really nothing wrong with me, so I won’t bother you!”

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