The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 3291

Chapter 3291

Chapter 3291

Charlie didn’t expect that Angie specially prepared a suit for himself.

When he was wondering, Orrin on the side smiled and said, “Your Aunt Angie was afraid that when you came to Eastcliff, you didn’t prepare a suit, so she specially asked London’s best bespoke suit master to make one for you.”

Charlie thanked her, “Thank you, Aunt Angie!”

Angie smiled and said, “Why are you being polite to auntie? I estimated the size of the suit, I don’t know if this suit fits you well.

Come and try it.”

At this time, Stefanie Sun, who was even wearing a nightdress, also came out of the room while yawning and said with a smile, “Charlie, you will be very handsome with the suit that mother prepared for you.

It is said that many prime ministers and presidents in Europe and North America are regular guests of that master! Go and have a try!”

Charlie was happy and he followed the mother and daughter to the independent cloakroom upstairs.

The Sun family’s walk-in cloakroom, which is larger than the normal bedroom, has at least more than 40 square meters.

Angie took Charlie to the dressing mirror on the whole wall, and then took out a brand-new black suit from the wardrobe next to him.

Stefanie Sun took out an ironed white shirt without folds and a tie from the wardrobe beside her.

Angie handed the suit to Charlie and said with a smile, “Charlie, try to see if it fits.”

Charlie said with a little embarrassment, “Aunt Angie, can I try on clothes in a room?”

Stefanie said quickly, “Mom, you go out first, or Charlie will be shy.

I’ll help him change his clothes here.”

Charlie said helplessly, “Well, I can do it myself, you should go with Aunt Angie?”

Stefanie curled her lips and said, “I’m your child bride.

I don’t need to avoid you while you change your clothes…”

Charlie blurted out, “When did you become a child bride…”

Stefanie said seriously, “I have been betrothed to you since I was a child.

What’s the difference between this and the child bride?”

Angie smiled and said, “Okay, don’t make fun of Charlie. Let’s go out first and let Charlie change it for himself and let’s come back in after.”

Stefanie looked at Charlie, smiled cheekily, pulled the tie off the shirt, shook it in her hand, and said, “Charlie, I’ll put the tie on for you later.”

With that, she went out of the cloakroom with her mother.


Meanwhile, Helena, who is at Eastcliff Shangri-La Hotel, has also got up from bed.

Last night, she didn’t rest well all night because she had been worried that she would have an accident.

At first, she couldn’t fall asleep for a long time and she fell asleep with difficulty.

She always had all kinds of nightmares, and she slept intermittently for less than two hours.

She was originally in poor health.

She didn’t have enough rest in China these days, and her physical condition was even worse.

So last night’s suffering was simply worse for her.

As she got up, she felt that her heartbeat had been accelerating uncontrollably, almost out of control.

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