The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 3314

Chapter 3314

Chapter 3314

“The order above the list is the order of the meeting of foreign relatives.”

Lord Wade took it, glanced, laughed and said, “There are many more direct descendants of each family who came to visit this time than the last time!”

“Yes.” Stephen Thompson nodded and said, “There are many young people in it, all about 16 to 25 years old.

At the last ancestor worship ceremony, they were still children, so they did not come to attend.”

Lord Wade nodded and said with a smile, “Our Wade family has branched and scattered leaves across the country and even the whole world.

Tomorrow’s ancestral ceremony, we will invite the genealogy out on the spot and fill in all the information of these young descendants.

The ancestors will certainly be very gratified when they see it!”

Stephen Thompson hurriedly said, “That’s perfect!”

With that, Stephen Thompson asked again, “Master, it’s still three minutes to 9:30.

More than 100 relatives of the Wade family have been waiting outside the manor.

Can they come in one after another?”

Lord Wade nodded and said with a smile, “Yes, let’s go!”

With that, he also turned his face and introduced Charlie beside him, “Charlie, the first one to visit later is your second grandfather’s family.

I don’t know if you still remember him?”

Charlie shook his head, “I don’t remember anything.”

Lord Wade smiled and said, “You should have seen him once or twice when you were a child, but after all, you have been away from home for too long, and the second master and his family are in Canada, and they don’t have many opportunities to come to China.”

After that, Lord Wade said again, “In speaking of so many relatives of the Wade family, your second grandpa’s family is the closest to us, after all, he is my own brother.”

Others saw Lord Wade all talking and laughing with Charlie, and they were all jealous.

Soon after, when everyone heard the door open, Stephen Thompson announced, “Benedict Wade, the eldest son of Lucas Wade and the eldest grandson, Carl Wade came to visit!”

As soon as the words fell, an old man with white hair came in with a middle-aged man and a young man with a smile.

This old man is Lord Wade’s own brother, Lucas Wade.

Lucas Wade took his eldest son and grandson and stepped straight to Lord Wade, who was sitting in the central seat.

He said excitedly, “Big brother! Long time no see!”

Lord Wade nodded and smiled, “You haven’t come back in the past two or three years, have you? You don’t usually come back to see your big brother!”

Lucas Wade said ashamedly, “Big brother, my body is getting more and more unable to toss around.

A few years ago, I had a serious illness and had more than half of my stomach cut off.

The doctor told me not to be too tired, so I basically don’t go far away.”

Speaking of this, Lucas Wade sighed again, “This ancestor worship ceremony, the children did not want me to come, but how can’t I? Maybe this is the last time I can attend the ancestor worship ceremony!”

Lord Wade said quickly, “Don’t talk nonsense, take good care of yourself, you will definitely be able to participate in another 12 years!”

Lucas Wade sighed softly and waved his hand and said, “Big brother, I know my body well.

I’m satisfied if I can live another three or five years.

How dare I hope for twelve years?”

Speaking of this, Lucas Wade said again, “I just finished talking to my children a few days ago.

I want them to take my body back to China and bury it in the ancestral tomb of our Wade family after I die.

However, the children did not agree at first.

They always felt that it was too far away.

It was not easy to come to see me and worship.”

Lord Wade blurted out, “Okay, brother! Don’t talk nonsense about these frustrating remarks.

Coming back here this time, you must stay for a few more days.

We will get together!”

“Okay!” Lucas Wade nodded again and again, and then said to his son and grandson next to him, “Benedict, Carl, what are you still doing in a daze, come quickly and see the head of our Wade family!”

Benedict Wade quickly knelt on one knee and hugged his fist and said, “I, Benedict Wade, pay tribute to my uncle!”

His son Carl Wade also fell on his knees and said respectfully, “I, Carl Wade, pay tribute to my grandpa!”

Lord Wade smiled and said happily, “Come on brother, as well as Benedict and Carl, let me introduce you.”

Corran had already lifted his butt and was about to get up.

Because according to the rules, this kind of formal occasion, even if everyone already knows everyone, they must still go through cutscenes.

As the eldest son, he must be the first to be introduced.

But who would have thought that just a few centimeters off his chair, Lord Wade pulled Charlie from the side, and introduced to the three and said, “This is Bruce’s son, Charlie!”

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