The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 3349

Chapter 3349

Chapter 3349

“Old acquaintance?!”

Hearing this, Zayne said with an incredulous expression, “But I don’t even know the Lord of the Dragon Temple… How could he be my old acquaintance?”

Charlie smiled and said, “It may not be appropriate to say that he is an old acquaintance.

It should be said that he is a junior to you, and he has a deep connection with you.”

“Why…?” Zayne felt very inexplicable.

For fear that Charlie would deliberately find an unreasonable charge to toss himself, he hurriedly said, “Mr. Wade…I really don’t know the Lord of the Dragon Temple…Is there any misunderstanding in this?”

Charlie shook his head and asked him, “Was Kevin Drake your subordinate back then?”

Zayne didn’t expect that Charlie would ask about Kevin Drake who had been dead for twenty years.

He subconsciously said, “Yes…but Kevin Drake has been dead for twenty years…what does he have to do with Dragon Temple?”

Charlie smiled and said, “The Lord of the Dragon Temple is the son of Kevin Drake.

His name is Wesley, do you remember?”

“What?!” Zayne was struck by lightning, blurting out, “Wesley…he actually became the Lord of the Dragon Temple?”

“Yes.” Charlie asked him with a smile, “Do you feel both surprised and excited when you hear this news? Does it feel like the gloomy life has burst into light at this moment?”

Zayne couldn’t help feeling a little flustered when he saw Charlie’s eyes were a bit playful.

Hearing that Wesley was the famous Lord of the Dragon Temple, he was indeed very excited deep in his heart.

Because his first thought was that he would be backed by the powerful Dragon Temple, and he would be able to gain freedom soon!

However, seeing Charlie’s expression without fear at all, he couldn’t help but beat a drum in his heart.

He thought to himself, “Why is Charlie smiling so weird? Isn’t he afraid of Dragon Temple at all?”

Thinking of this, he suddenly looked at Calum next to him, and immediately had the answer in his heart!

“How could Charlie be afraid of Dragon Temple? The Dragon Temple just lost a King of War and more than 10,000 mercenaries by his hands.

Calum is so strong, but he didn’t have the slightest defense in front of Charlie. With the strength of Charlie, how could it be possible to put Dragon Temple in his eyes?”

At this point, Zayne felt a lot of decadence in an instant.

It seems that as soon as the light of hope came on, it went out instantly.

Charlie continued at this time, “You and Wesley should have not seen each other for 20 years, right?”

“Yes…” Zayne nodded and said, “After his mother committed suicide, I always wanted to take him home for adoption, but I didn’t expect that he had already been taken out of the country first.

I never found him again.”

Charlie smiled slightly and said playfully, “Then tomorrow, I will let you and Wesley, who have been away for twenty years, meet and reminisce about the past!”

When Zayne heard this, he asked nervously, “Wesley…he came back to China?”

Charlie nodded and smiled, and said, “More than just coming to China… and I have gained a lot of interest! Today, someone gave the Wade family more than a hundred coffins, saying that it was from Wesley and he wanted to let the Wade family wear sackcloth and filial piety at 8 o’clock tomorrow morning and welcome his parents.”

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