The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 3354

Chapter 3354

Chapter 3354

Speaking of this, Charlie shrugged and said, “If not because of Wesley, I really don’t know where to start.

The old man is in the prime of life, and I can’t pull him from the position of Patriarch.


Orrin was overjoyed and blurted out with excitement, “Charlie! What you said is true?!”

Charlie nodded and smiled, “Of course, how could I lie to you about this kind of thing? Didn’t you want me to become the head of the Wade family, inherit my father’s will, and then carry forward the Wade family? This is a good opportunity.

If the Wade family has no crisis at all, how can they willingly let me sit as the head of the Patriarch? So, the best way is to break and stand up! And this Wesley is just to help me break the Wade family’s hammer!”

After listening to Charlie’s words, Orrin was stunned for a few seconds, and then subconsciously asked, “Charlie, this Dragon Temple is actually very strong, with tens of thousands of people under its command.

You can’t beat four hands with two fists, not to mention so many people!”

Charlie smiled and said, “Uncle Orrin, don’t worry.

The Dragon Temple has a lot of manpower, but most of them are mercenaries hired by them for money.

If something happened to them, this group of people would immediately scatter like birds.

And their real core team is only about a hundred people, not to be afraid of.”

After speaking, Charlie said again, “Besides, they don’t dare to bring many people into China with a big fanfare.

At most, they are just a bunch of backbones sneaking in.”

Orrin said again, “I heard that most of them count as martial arts masters, can you handle it?”

Charlie smiled and said, “I was in the Middle East some time ago and fought against the Dragon Temple, which indirectly caused them to lose thousands of lives and more than 10,000 were captured.

Among them is one of the four kings under Wesley, they’re nothing different than trash in front of me.

I have arrested him, and he has also been taken to Eastcliff.

I will take him to Wade Mountain tomorrow morning.”

Orrin said dumbfounded, “Charlie! There are rumors that this Dragon Temple suffered a huge failure in the Middle East some time ago.

Is this matter related to you?”

Charlie nodded and said with a smile, “It can almost be said that most of their failure was because of me.”

Orrin was dumbfounded, and after a long while, he wished he could laugh long to the sky!

Immediately, he laughed loudly and said, “Hahaha! That’s great! That’s great! That said, the Dragon Temple is not an enemy to worry about at all.

It’s a damn fate spanning thousands of miles to give Charlie allies of pillows!!”

Having said that, he easily pulled out the infusion needle from his wrist and shook his hand at Angie, “Wife! Quick! Prepare wine and food! I want to have a few drinks with Charlie! I’m going to be drunk tonight!”

Angie was equally excited and intolerable, but when she thought that her husband had lost the antihypertensive medicine, he pulled out the needle and was ready to drink.”

So she smiled helplessly, “You are in infusion, how can you drink?”

Unexpectedly, Orrin blurted out and retorted, “Drink! I must drink! This is much easier than the New Year! It’s fair to drink a little wine!”

What Orrin didn’t know was that Lord Banks also thought so at this time.


This night, it suddenly drizzled in Eastcliff.

In this silent spring rain, many people have insomnia, and many people are greedy and drunk.

The first to fall drunk was the elderly Lord Banks.

He is so happy tonight.

After the Banks family suffered huge blows one after another and was fragmented, he finally ushered in an exciting moment.

Because he had been depressed for too long before, he was already a little overwhelmed at the moment.

He drank half of the bottle of Moutai that the housekeeper brought over by himself, and the other half was poured on the ground by a cup, and he gave it to Bruce Wade.

Saying that he wanted to respect Bruce Wade from the Wade Family’s family, in fact, it was just to satisfy his inner pleasure.

At the end of the drink, Lord Banks looked back and saw that he was quietly rushing back to Eastcliff with the housekeeper.

There was no child or grandchild, and no relatives, and he was very melancholy.

He drank a few more glasses, cried and laughed and talked for a long time, and finally couldn’t beat the drunkenness and drowsiness, and was sent back to the room by the housekeeper.

And at the same time, Wesley was also drunk.

Because tomorrow morning, he will lift the coffin of his parents from his ancestral grave and take it to Wade Mountain, so he plans to stay overnight in front of his parents’ grave tonight.

After 20 years of enduring humiliation, now he finally wants to avenge his parents.

He was excited, and drank several bottles of liquor in front of his parents’ grave.

Originally with his strength, he could completely force alcohol out of the body through internal force, but he did not do so because he really wanted to get drunk.

On the other side, Orrin was also drunk, so drunk that he was almost unconscious.

Charlie helped him back to his bedroom with Angie.

He is so happy tonight.

After worrying for a whole day, fearing for a whole day, and suffocating for a whole day, he suddenly got good news from Charlie.

This mood of driving low and walking high made him excited and intolerable.

Angie took care of Orrin and fell asleep.

Stefanie took Charlie’s hand and stayed in the living room for a long time, unwilling to let go.

Charlie persuaded her to go to sleep, but she didn’t agree with her life or death, she had to lean on Charlie’s shoulder on the sofa.

She said that in this way, she could always feel the existence of Charlie, because she was afraid that after waking up, Charlie had already left home and went to Wade Mountain alone.

Charlie knew that this girl cared about himself, so he let her go.

As a result, the two sat on the sofa, chatting about the past, until Stefanie couldn’t help but fall asleep.

Charlie just sat on the sofa and let Stefanie lean against him.

He didn’t move or fall asleep all night.

He didn’t even think about Wesley in his mind, all he thought about was how he would inherit his father’s will in the future and let the Wade Family go to the top of the world.

Although he knows very little about the situation overseas, he always feels that a broad road has begun to take shape, and he just waits for himself to really set off!

Moreover, like Wesley, he also hopes to one day avenge his dead parents!

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