The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 3358

Chapter 3358

Chapter 3358

They knew that Dragon Temple was only targeting the Wade Family of Eastcliff this time, and had nothing to do with these collateral branches of them.

In this case, how could they stay and share the troubles with the Wade family?

Charlie got out of the car and saw that there were only so few people at the scene.

He asked in a cold voice, “Isn’t it said yesterday that a total of more than 700 members of the Wade family from all over the world came to participate in this ancestor worship ceremony? Are they all gone?”

Lord Wade said embarrassingly, “Charlie, as the so-called catastrophe is about to come, they know that we are inevitable this time, and naturally it is impossible to die with us.

It is natural to leave overnight.”

Charlie snorted and said lightly, “Who has the list from yesterday? Give it to me.”

Corran stepped forward somewhat depressed, and handed a thick roster to Charlie’s hands, and said angrily, “Here! Look at it for yourself.”

Charlie threw the roster directly to Corran, and said coldly, “Immediately notify everyone who should come here but didn’t attend! If they don’t show up within an hour, they will have to kneel three times and give nine kowtows every step from the foot of the mountain tomorrow to make atonement!”

Corran suddenly didn’t know what to say.

Jon on the side said with a sullen expression, “Charlie, enough of this nonsense, in another hour, Wesley will arrive.

Do you still say this kind of pretense, does it make any sense?”

Charlie frowned and looked at him, and asked, “What? Didn’t you get enough slaps yesterday?”

Jon took a few steps back in shock, and said angrily, “Okay, I’ll shut up! It’s only an hour away anyway, I’m here to see how you solve Wesley Drake!”

Charlie didn’t bother to pay attention to him, turned to look at Corran, and said lightly, “Call them one by one immediately!”

Corran had no choice but to take out his mobile phone and call them one by one.

He made dozens of phone calls in a row, but none could get through.

Corran opened his hand helplessly, “There is no way to contact them, they all turned off their phones, and I believe they won’t turn it on until tomorrow.”

“Okay.” Charlie nodded blankly, and said, “Then I’ll wait and see tomorrow for these seven hundred people to line up and kowtow up the mountain.”

At this time, Orrin Sun also drove up the car after recounting the past with Bruce Wade’s old ministry.

As soon as the car stopped, the Sun family got out of the car, and the Wade family members were all stunned.

Lord Wade was most surprised.

He asked Orrin dumbfounded, “Orrin…you… why are you here?”

Orrin stepped forward and said respectfully, “Uncle Wade, Bruce is my big brother, and Charlie is my future son-in-law! How could I not come for such an important thing!”

Lord Wade’s eyes were reddish, and he sighed, “You are loyal…you are righteous, Uncle understands! But this kind of thing is not a joke, I advise you to hurry back with your wife and child! Anyway, the Wade family can’t drag you down!”

Orrin said firmly, “Uncle Wade, what are you talking about? I am Orrin Sun, and you must be aware of it.

I will never leave Wade Mountain until this matter is resolved today!”

Lord Wade wanted to say something, but he hesitated for a while, and finally turned into a sigh, “You are a good brother to Bruce!”

Each of the Wade family members was a little bit distressed.

Corran was very depressed.

He and his son have been ignored by the old man since yesterday.

Now even Orrin was praised by him.

He is even more upset.

Looking at Orrin Sun, he couldn’t help but complain, “Orrin, you are also the Patriarch of the Sun family worth hundreds of billions at any rate.

If you really come to help, why don’t you even bring a helper? Just your family of three, how can you help?”

Orrin said earnestly, “Corran, I originally wanted to bring up all the people in the Sun family, but that would add trouble for Charlie, so I won’t be superfluous.”

Corran curled his lips and said disdainfully, “Add trouble? The most fearful thing now is to add trouble! The Dragon Temple will be up at eight o’clock.

I really don’t know how such a small number of people deal with it.”

Lord Wade glared at him and was thinking of reprimanding.

Stephen Thompson received the report on the walkie-talkie and ran to Charlie and said, “Young Master, the people at the foot of the mountain said that there are a few cars that insist on going up the mountain, and that they are yours.”

Charlie nodded and said, “It is indeed my people, let them come up.”

“Okay!” Stephen Thompson immediately picked up the walkie-talkie and said, “Let them go up!”

Everyone in the Wade family was a little surprised.

They didn’t think that Charlie had even asked for help.

At this moment, Brenden whispered to Jon and others beside him, “I don’t know what kind of help Charlie found!”

Jon sneered and said with a black face, “What kind of reliable help can he find?”

“I think it is just like that Don Albert and Isaac Cameron, just a few soiled buns from Aurous Hill!”

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