The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 3369

Chapter 3369

Chapter 3369

No one on the scene expected that Charlie would not be afraid of seeing Wesley.

The few people in the Wade family who were wearing filial piety scolded in their hearts almost at the same time that Charlie simply didn’t have enough to die.

Wesley is in front of him , and he dares to say such pretending words, he’s f*cking pretentious….

Even Lord Wade was so frightened that his liver trembled, for fear that Charlie would annoy Wesley, and the opponent would kill him directly, then everything would be done.

Wesley was even more furious.

He really didn’t expect that someone in the Wade family would dare to talk to him like this!

So he asked in a cold voice, “Boy! You are a bit arrogant, if you don’t know how to write dead words, I can teach you!”

Charlie smiled and said, “No, I can write dead words, and I can engrave your head for free later.”

After speaking, he asked loudly, “Where is Don Albert?”

Don Albert immediately raised his hand and said loudly, “Master Wade, I am here!”

Charlie didn’t turn his head, smiled at Wesley and asked Don Albert, “Did you bring your knife?”

“I brought it!” Don Albert said loudly, “Master Wade, will I carve his head later?”

“Yes!” Charlie nodded and smiled, “You are still the best at carving!”

“Of course.” Don Albert said with a smile, “Master Wade, I have also practiced this human calligraphy.

We have experience!”

Wesley’s face was already pale for a while.

He clenched his fists, wishing to rush to kill Charlie immediately.

Just when he almost couldn’t control it, Apollo Wainwright on the side pointed at Charlie and cursed coldly, “Boy! It’s you again! Yesterday you were the most arrogant! Now you even dare to yell at our Lord! You! You are so tired of living!”

He gritted his teeth and added, “I said yesterday that if I don’t see you kneeling here today, I will be the first to kill you and take your life!”

As soon as Apollo Wainwright’s voice fell, he was about to rush and attack Charlie.

However, at this time, Wesley suddenly gave him a hand, making him unable to move.

Immediately, Wesley stared at Charlie and said blankly, “Boy, I think you are familiar.

Who are you from the Wade family? Who is your father?”

Charlie put away his smile and said coldly, “My name is Charlie Wade! My father is Bruce Wade!”

“What?” When Wesley heard Bruce Wade’s name, he gritted his teeth and took a long breath!

Lord Banks on the side was also stunned!

He never dreamed that Bruce Wade’s son who was missing for so many years was still alive, and had returned to Wade’s house!

At this time, Wesley looked at Charlie with a grin, and blurted out with a bit of excitement, “I said you look so familiar! You really look like Bruce Wade!”

Having said that, he suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, and said with a bit of madness, “Hahaha! I have been thinking and always thinking, Bruce Wade has been dead for so many years, how should I retaliate against him! The best method I can think of is to dig out his coffin and thwart him! But I didn’t expect that his son was still alive!”

Immediately afterwards, Wesley put aside his smile, stared at Charlie as if looking at a dead person, and said coldly, “Today, in front of Bruce Wade’s grave, I will cut off your head! I want him to see this scene.

The souls of hell will never rest, and will never be transcended!”

Charlie was irritated by his words, but he didn’t act immediately, but said lightly, “Remember, villains generally die from talking too much!”

Apollo couldn’t stand it and blurted out, “Charlie, right? You f*cking don’t cry without seeing the coffin! To deal with your trash, our Lord doesn’t need to take the initiative, I’ll kill you myself!”

Wesley shouted sternly, “You shut up! He is the son of my father’s enemy.

I have to kill him personally to relieve my hatred!”

Apollo Wainwright hurriedly said, “My Lord, I apologize for talking a lot, please punish me!”

Wesley paid no attention to him, but looked at Charlie and said coldly, “Don’t say I won’t give you a chance, in front of your parents and my parents, let’s have a good match and see who is stronger!”

Wesley at this moment was anxious to kill Charlie on the spot in front of his parents’ coffin and in front of Charlie’s parents’ mausoleum!

Because, only in this way is the best and most perfect way of revenge!

Only in this way can he tell his parents that their son is stronger than Bruce Wade’s son!

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