The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 3395

Chapter 3395

Chapter 3395

No one expected that Lord Wade suddenly said such a thing like a thunderbolt.

Everyone knew that Corran just now secretly complained to the old man and wanted to say something bad about Charlie to provoke discord.

Unexpectedly, he was slapped by the old man’s awe-inspiring justice.

What’s more shocking is that Lord Wade unexpectedly suddenly announced that the Patriarch position of the Wade family was officially passed on to Charlie!

At this moment, Charlie’s men and friends were extremely excited one by one, and even about to cheer.

And the vast majority of the Wade family, one by one, cried and lost their faces, much more ugly than the moment when Wesley was about to stab himself.

In the old man’s position, each of them can get a lot of benefits in the Wade family’s business.

Coupled with the huge dividends and bonuses every year, everyone is very comfortable.

However, everyone knows that once Charlie becomes the head of the family, it will be basically over.

How can Charlie let them have benefits with his iron-blooded character? At that time, he might keep an extremely close eye on the finances and leave no extra space for them.

Corran was even more sad and indignant.

He swallowed in his heart, “What the fuck is this? I fucking kindly ran to remind the old man of his power.

As a result, the old guy slapped me in the face in public and directly gave Charlie the position of the head of the family.

Did he take the wrong medicine?”

Lord Wade looked at Corran at this time and thought to himself, “I was silently robbed of the position of the head of the family by Charlie, and I even took the initiative to abdicate to find an opportunity to promote my relationship with Charlie well, and you sent it to your door by yourself.

Isn’t this because someone sent a pillow when you are sleepy? So what if you are my own son? Do you think I don’t know what you want to do? I knew about you letting Jon buy filial piety clothes last night! Son of a bitch, do you want to kneel down and beg for mercy and let my old bone be slaughtered by the Dragon Temple? From now on, Charlie will take charge of the Wade family and have your good fruit to eat!”

Corran doesn’t know what the old man is thinking.

He only knows one thing.

He is afraid that he will finish the calf in the future.

At this time, Charlie was also slightly surprised when he heard that the old man was going to pass on the position of the head of the family directly to himself.

But on closer thought, he probably figured out what the old man was thinking.

The reason why Charlie just told Wesley that he was responsible for the affairs of the Wade family, which is equivalent to directly becoming the Patriarch of the Wade family.

The old man must know that he is powerless to return to heaven.

Now he takes the initiative to give up his position and can also earn a smooth relationship with Charlie.

As for Corran, he must have been regarded as a stepping stone by the old man.

This time, Charlie stepped on the army of Dragon Temple, and the old man stepped on Corran.

I have to say that they all have the same work.

Therefore, Charlie said unyieldingly, “In the future, as the Wade family’s Patriarch, it will certainly continue to develop and create glory!”

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