The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 3418

Chapter 3418

Chapter 3418

These collaterals of the Wade Family are also extremely desperate.

The feeling of the rest of their lives didn’t last long, and it was immediately replaced by the despair of being a monk and not being able to run to the temple.

The large list of the Wade Family Ancestor Ceremony has already recorded the names and identity information of each of them in great detail.

For example, a person’s surname, name, age, generation, family, father, grandfather, and which branch of the Wade family ancestors they originated from.

All these must be clearly written with a brush dipped in cinnabar.

Because of this big list, after the ancestor worship ceremony, as long as it is burned for the ancestors, no one dares to make any fools on it.

Now, this list has actually fallen into the hands of the Dragon Temple, which means that everyone’s complete identity will firmly be controlled by the Dragon Temple and even if they want to run, they can’t escape.

These people knew the strength of the Dragon Temple.

It would be easy to assassinate them, so no one dared to disobey the order of the Dragon Temple.

As a result, this group of people have no choice but to bite the bullet and rush back uncomfortably.

Lucas Wade’s son and grandson received the news via the satellite network on a private plane returning to Canada.

Ten minutes after receiving the news, the plane drew a circle directly at an altitude of 10,000 meters and turned back to Eastcliff.


At the same time, Charlie had already filled his glasses in the banquet hall of Shangri-La Hotel as he thanked all the relatives and friends present one by one.

These relatives and friends of his included his father’s former friend Orrin Sun who looked at him at this time like they were already looking at God.

The first person Charlie respected was Orrin Sun.

In his eyes, Orrin is the most worthy of his respect and an elder who treats him in the best way.

Today, his family of three went to Wade Mountain for which Charlie is very grateful.

Orrin was also excited at this time for a long time and couldn’t calm down.

After a few glasses of wine, he couldn’t hide his excitement and said to Charlie, “Charlie, now you have also absorbed the Dragon Temple under your command.

The strength of the Wade family among the many families in the country will be at the first place! Looking at the world, you can at least be among the top ten!”

Charlie said, “To be among the top ten I think is still a long way away…”

Orrin said seriously, “It doesn’t matter if there is a gap.

But you must fight steadily and step by step.”

With that said, Orrin told Charlie, “Charlie, the Rothschild family is too strong.

At this time, I really don’t recommend that you contact them too early!”

Charlie nodded and smiled, “Uncle Orrin, don’t worry.

When I go to Northern Europe this time, I won’t go head-to-head with them.

The main thing is to help Helena regain the throne first and get in touch with the Rothschild family in the meanwhile.

Don’t worry, I will hide my identity.”

Seeing Charlie’s decision to leave, Orrin exhorted, “Rothschild is commonly known as Old Money in Europe and America.

They are not like Bill Gates, a new generation of wealthy people.

Every property and every stock they own is on the bright side.

It is more like a huge iceberg.

What we can see now is just the tip of the iceberg! And what’s really powerful about them is their pervasive penetration over the entire Western society in the past few hundred years! On the surface, they seem to have ten companies, but in fact, there may be as many as thousands of companies actually controlled by them through various means.

This power is quite terrifying, although your grandpa’s family is already one of the three largest families in the world, the combined assets of your grandfather and the royal family in the Middle East may not be able to rival Rothschild!”

Speaking of this, Orrin exhorted, “Charlie, at any time, you come face to face when dealing with the Rothschild family, you must be absolutely careful!”

Charlie nodded solemnly and said, “Uncle Orrin, don’t worry, I know it!”

At this time, Stefanie on the side looked at Charlie excitedly, said, “Charlie! With your strength, I believe that even the Rothschild family will be trampled under your feet!”

Stefanie was originally Charlie’s little fan, and now she is a fanatic fan.

Charlie nodded lightly and smiled, “Stefanie, don’t worry, that day will come after all!”

After that, Charlie poured another glass of wine and said, “Uncle Orrin, Aunt Angie, and Stefanie, I respect the three of you, have a glass, thank you again for your love for me!”

The Sun family filled the glass with three mouthfuls and drank it together with Charlie.

Charlie saw the Moore family and the Ito family sitting on the same table not far away, and said to the Sun family three, “There are some other friends over there, I’ll go and say hello.”

“Go ahead.” Orrin said with a smile, “Remember to come back and have a drink with Uncle later!”

“Okay Uncle!,” Charlie bid farewell to the Sun family and took the wine glass to the table where the Moore family and Ito family were.

At this time, Nanako Ito, watching Charlie approach closer and closer, although her face was still gentle as water, the loving eyes could no longer conceal it.

She originally loved Charlie extremely deeply.

Today, when she saw Charlie use his own power to make the entire Dragon Temple kneel in front of him and kowtow for mercy, she felt that if she could not marry Charlie in this life or be his woman, then she can only be alone in her life.

Because she knew that there would be no other man who could completely conquer her in consciousness like Charlie.

As for the dignified and beautiful Jasmine Moore, she has always demanded herself with the demeanor of everybody, but she has already fallen deep in love like a little girl.

As soon as Charlie arrived, the Moore family and Ito family all stood up.

Yuhiko Ito and Hiroshi Tanaka couldn’t stand because they lost their legs, but they immediately raised their wine glasses and looked at Charlie with respect.

And the nearly two hundred people brought by the two families all stood up all at once!

Among them were more than a hundred top ninjas who are regarded as national treasure masters in Japan.

While standing upright, their hands humbly hung down on their sides, and their necks and heads were respectfully lowered forty-five degrees.

This is their instinctive reaction and courtesy when facing a strong person who makes them feel respect and fear.

Orrin saw this scene in his eyes, and couldn’t help sighing to his wife and daughter, “These Japanese ninjas seem to have been completely impressed by Charlie‘s strength.

In front of him, they dare not even lift their heads!”

Stefanie said seriously, “That’s because Charlie’s strength is much stronger than their own strength.

They must be respectful!”

Angie muttered softly at this time, “The girl from the Ito family, as well as from the Mistress of the Moore family, the look in their eyes as they look at Charlie doesn’t seem right…”

After speaking, she glanced at another table not far away.

Sisters Zara and Xion who were sitting there.

Angie exclaimed, “And the sisters of the Banks family…they look at Charlie differently too.

There’s something in the way they all look at Charlie….”

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