The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 3448

Chapter 3448

Chapter 3448

Another person echoed, “I have never seen such a big gambling game…”

“Yeah…me too…d*mn its exciting!”

William was also dumbfounded.

To say that Charlie’s previous performance was a qualified scavenger boy, then Charlie’s performance now seems to him to be a god for scavenging wealth.

He has seen someone giving money, but he had never seen someone sending money like this before.

Directly add 2 billion? The amount was so big that William didn’t dare to ask for it!

So he said nervously, “Wade…Mr. Wade…in my opinion, we don’t want to add any more in this round…2 billion euros is really too much.

Now, even if you don’t take money seriously, you can’t throw money like this…”

Charlie smiled and said, “Your card is still not dealt, how do you know that I must be throwing money?”

William said embarrassingly, “Mr. Wade, I’m not joking with you.

I really think my chances of winning in this round are much higher than you.

Or we will just open the cards, just use these chips on the table, whoever wins.

Don’t add any more, okay?”

Charlie sneered and said sarcastically, “I’ll just say that you are like a girl! You are wronged by a single word! You have already won a d*mn billion, what are you afraid of?”

With that, he said to Olivia again, “You persuade your fiancé! If he is soft at the critical moment, how can he become the queen’s husband in the future?”

Olivia panicked too.

She knows that William will win, but she also knows that if William wins too much, it is likely to have a big problem.

Counting the previous ones, if Charlie entered another 2 billion euros, it would be 3 billion euros in cash plus a Concorde airliner.

With this card alone, Charlie lost more assets than the entire Nordic royal family owns.

Seriously, how could she not be afraid?

What she thought in her heart was, “If Charlie loses in a hurry, what should we do if he tries to retaliate against William? What if he recruits Dragon Temple?”

But what Olivia didn’t know was that Charlie didn’t lose sight quickly, but William was scolded at this time by Charlie.

He said angrily, “Mr. Wade, I hope you can figure it out.

I don’t want to follow up the two billion bet, not because I am not a man enough, but I don’t want to beat you too much! I am leaving you a chance, but why do you want to be aggressive again and again?”

Charlie smiled and said, “William, your kind of thinking is typical poor thinking!”

After speaking, Charlie sneered and said, “You’re, just like those old men who bought Rolls-Royce, they came to tell me that Rolls-Royce fuel consumption is high, and I persuaded him not to drive a Rolls-Royce.

You said that this kind of Pathetic Jerk doesn’t move their poor minds.

Think about it.

If I can spend millions of euros to buy a Rolls Royce, shouldn’t I be able to add a hundred euros to buy gasoline?”

Everyone around listened and laughed secretly.

Although Charlie had been losing large sums of money, it was extremely stupid in their eyes.

But they also had to admit that Charlie’s words made sense.

People have money.

Do you need someone much poorer than him to teach him how to save money?

William was really embarrassed when he heard these words.

He really didn’t think that Charlie would take the initiative to ask for death.

Moreover, he regards his kindness as the liver and lungs of a donkey, and humiliating himself in public is a Pathetic Jerk!

He couldn’t help cursing in his heart, “Oh, the man surnamed Wade! I kindly wanted to keep half your life, but you don’t appreciate it! That’s OK, I will beat you today! There is nothing to make you cry tears!”

Thinking of this, he slapped the table and said sharply, “Okay! Two billion is two billion!”

Charlie nodded in satisfaction and smiled, “Come on, before the last card is drawn, just like I wrote you a mortgage agreement just now, let’s write a two billion IOU, sign and put it on the table.”

William sneered, “Just write! Do you think I’m afraid of you?”

Charlie smiled and said, “Okay, then write quickly, so many people have witnessed, no one can play a rogue.”

“Okay!” William, who was already angry, immediately wrote a two billion IOU according to what Charlie said.

Charlie was also unambiguous.

He immediately wrote clearly on the paper that he owed William 2 billion euros.

At the same time, he reminded William, “Yes, the payment method must be clearly written, and the full payment must be paid within 24 hours, otherwise.

As a breach of contract, liquidated damages, 100% a day!”

William could still think about it at this time, and sneered, “Do you think I’m afraid of you? Come! I’ll write it down!”

Charlie nodded, and wrote the same content on his IOU.

Afterwards, under the witness of everyone, and recorded by everyone’s mobile phone video, the two signed their respective IOUs and bet them.

Charlie put the two IOUs in the stack at the same time, looked at the dealer, smiled slightly, “Come on, let’s draw the cards!”

With a pair of eyes like a Komodo dragon, William stared at Charlie and sneered, “Mr. Wade, I will let you die today!”

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