The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 3467

Chapter 3467

Chapter 3467

At this time, Olivia was shocked…

The moment when facing Charlie and calling out Charlie’s name in person, she felt that her whole person had completely collapsed.

Under Charlie’s coercion, her legs softened subconsciously, and she knelt down in front of Charlie, choked up and said, “Mr. Wade… it’s me who was wrong… it’s me because of the money, I have a bad idea, please forgive me and give me a chance to make up for it!”

Olivia’s father, Richard, also realized that the situation is over.

He also knelt on the ground and begged, “Mr. Wade, Olivia is young and easily impulsive in doing things.

Don’t be familiar with her…”

William’s father George also hurried forward at this time and said with a pleading look, “Mr. Wade, we are willing to pay the 10 billion euros you said before! Our Rothschild family is willing to give eight billion euros! Please raise your hands high!”

Charlie smiled, looked at Richard, and asked him, “They give out 8 billion, so you will come out the remaining 2 billion?”

“I…I…” Richard suddenly became nervous and didn’t know what to do.

A few minutes ago, he was able to gather two billion euros through gritted teeth.

That’s because Olivia was basically equal to the uncrowned queen of Northern Europe before.

Only waiting for the death of the current queen to be crowned smoothly, so they basically control the financial power of the entire royal family.

But now, the queen has woken up.

In this case, neither Richard nor Olivia have the right to mobilize royal funds anymore, so at this time, letting Richard take two billion euros out is a foolish dream.

After thinking about it, Richard could only bite the bullet and said, “Mr. Wade… our own assets, cash and various real estate together, it is about 1 billion euros.

If you don’t mind, I’m willing to add all the assets to you as compensation!”

Charlie snorted and said, “Then this is only 9 billion, not enough.”

After speaking, he looked at George and asked with a smile, “Old man, would you like to pay more?”

George almost collapsed, and said bitterly, “Mr. Wade…8 billion euros is already our limit… We simply don’t have so much cash.

We also have to wait for the stock market to open tomorrow and sell off a large number of stocks before it is possible to collect enough…”

Charlie shook his head and said indifferently, “Your two families are a community of interests, both of you will be prosperous, and you will lose everything.

If the money is enough, I can spare you a way of life, otherwise, I will treat you as killers tonight, and I, myself will kill you all on the spot.

Tomorrow, it will be directly announced by the queen, saying that you united to rebel tonight and were killed by the Royal Guard! Then the photos of your deaths here will be released to the public, by then,

people all over the world will think you all deserve it!”

When George heard this, his heart trembled violently!

He didn’t think that Charlie would actually kill him!

Moreover, he also believed that Charlie did have this strength and could kill all of them at any time.

More importantly, even if Charlie really killed them, according to the reasons Charlie said just now, the world would never doubt it.

After all, they did bring people into the queen’s ward today.

If Charlie really killed them and then claimed to the public that they were killed on the spot by the Royal Guards because they tried to kill the queen, it would logically fit in perfectly.

Even if the Rothschilds knew about it, they wouldn’t doubt it.

In that case, Charlie could kill them without taking any risks…

Thinking of this, George looked at the queen, crying and begging, “Your Majesty, you are the queen of a country and should uphold the country’s legal system.

Even if you send us to court, you can’t let Charlie kill us…”

When the queen heard this, she blurted out without hesitation, “My life is saved by Mr. Wade.

From now on, I will follow Mr. Wade’s instructions.”

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