The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 3480

Chapter 3480

Chapter 3480

Thinking of this, the queen was also very surprised.

She really didn’t understand why Charlie wanted to attack the Rothschild family?

Waiting for the queen to understand, Charlie said, “The time is almost up, I should go.”

After finishing speaking, he looked at Helena and said lightly, “Helena, I wish you in advance to inherit the throne and become the new queen of the Nordic Kingdom, and I hope you can carry forward the Nordic royal family.”

Helena nodded gratefully and said, “Thank you, Mr. Wade…”

After speaking, she hurriedly said, “Mr. Wade, if you don’t dislike it, please let me take you to the airport!”

After speaking, she looked at Charlie expectantly, for fear that Charlie would refuse.

Because she knew very well in her heart that once Charlie left today, it would not be so easy to see him in the future.

Because, after three days, she will inherit the throne.

By then, she will be the queen of the Nordic Kingdom and the highest leader in name in Northern Europe.

At that time, wherever she went, she represented the royal family, and she hardly owned any private space.

In the country, she must visit everywhere to give condolences and increase the support of the people to the royal family.

In foreign countries, a queen basically makes state visits to a country at the diplomatic level.

Even if she just wants to go to China to visit Charlie, it is absolutely impossible, because as a queen, as long as she decides to leave the country, the Nordic government will definitely notify the destination country, and she also must be accompanied by corresponding bodyguards, assistants, and housekeepers.

At that time, if Charlie didn’t see her, she might not have a chance to see Charlie in her life.

Therefore, Charlie’s journey to the airport may be the last time she and Charlie get along.

Seeing that Helena had said so, Charlie was naturally not easy to refuse, so he smiled and said, “If you want to, you can send me to the airport and I have to trouble you.”

Helena breathed a sigh of relief, and said excitedly like a girl, “Thank you, Mr. Wade!”

The queen saw Helena’s performance in her eyes, and she already understood Helena’s thoughts in her heart, and thought to herself, “Helena should be moved by this Mr. Wade… and even if she just wants to send him off, she has to make low demands… Looking at her like this, she should like Mr. Wade very much…”

Thinking of this, the queen couldn’t help feeling a little regretful in her heart.

This is because she knew very well in her heart that Helena’s feelings for Charlie were destined to have no results.

In fact, out of the desire for Rejuvenation Pill, she very much hoped that Helena and Charlie could get together.

In this way, Charlie will be her grandson-in-law, and with this level of relationship, the chance of getting a rejuvenation pill is naturally greater.

However, she is also very clear about Helena’s future life trajectory.

After she inherits the throne in the future, her future destiny is already doomed.

Because according to Nordic traditions and the wishes of the people, her future partner can only be members of royal families in other European countries or members of top European families.

Moreover, the ancestry of the other party must be an out-and-out white, and must not be of other ethnicities.

This is not to mention racial discrimination.

The main reason is that every country has its own nationalism and wants to maintain the pure blood of its own country.

After all, after her inheritance, her child will be the future Nordic prince.

If her child is of Eurasian blood, it means that the royal family will have half the blood.

Therefore, the people cannot accept it anyway.

Just like Japan, which also has the emperor, it is impossible to allow the emperor to marry a European woman and give birth to a Japanese-European child as the prince.

Therefore, the Queen knew very well in her heart that Helena and Charlie were absolutely impossible in the future.

In fact, in Helena’s heart, she was also clear about these conditions.

Although the time she was in contact with Charlie was very warm, the impact Charlie brought to her was too great.

Charlie didn’t just save her and her mother’s life simply, but more importantly, he let Helena see how powerful a man can be.

Therefore, she was like the first time she saw a young girl in a martial arts novel, but in just a few moments, she was captured by the unmatched aura of the other party.

If possible, she was even willing to give up the position of queen for Charlie.

After all, her mother is safe now.

If she can’t be the queen, she can even leave the royal family and move to live in China.

However, she also knew that Charlie had already had a family in Aurous Hill, and he also has many confidantes.

In Charlie’s heart, Helena was probably just an insignificant passerby.

Even if she was willing to give up the throne for him, Charlie might not be willing to let her give up the throne for him…

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