The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 3486

Chapter 3486

Chapter 3486

At that time, Charlie could still visit the palace as a royal guest like this time.

However, Helena originally thought that Charlie would not come to Northern Europe again.

Now that Charlie said that he might come again in the future, she was already very satisfied.

At this time, the convoy quickly drove into the airport and came to the hangar where the Concorde was parked.

When the convoy stopped by the plane, Charlie said to Helena, “Okay, just send me here, I will leave now.”

Helena said with a look of dismay, “Mr. Wade, I will see you off and also get out of the car.”

Charlie shook his head and said seriously, “You don’t need to get out of the car.

After all, this is a public place.

You will soon become the queen of the throne.

If you are seen here at this time, it will not be easy to explain after all.”

Helena hesitated for a moment, then nodded, her voice a bit choked and exhorted, “Mr. Wade, then take care!”

Charlie smiled slightly and said, “The same for you.

You have my phone number.

If you need help, please call me directly.”

Helena said with red eyes, “I see, Mr. Wade, thank you!”

“You are polite.” Charlie smiled and nodded, pushed the car door, and strode onto the Concorde.

After boarding the plane, he sat down on the spacious sofa seat in the cabin.

Through the porthole, he could see Helena still sitting in the car, looking up at him.

At this time, Helena’s eyes were already full of tears, and she almost couldn’t help crying several times.

But when she found that Charlie was also looking at her, she still resisted the urge to cry, quietly wiped away the tears, smiled and waved at Charlie.

Charlie also nodded at her slightly, showing some sympathy for Helena in his heart.

If it weren’t for being born in a palace, Helena might not have experienced the tribulations and pains before.

However, Charlie was also very clear in his heart that if he wanted Helena to wear the crown, she must bear the weight of the truth, so he could only wish Helena in his heart that she could seize this golden opportunity of a lifetime and become an outstanding queen.

At this time, the flight attendant of the Wade family crew came to Charlie and said respectfully, “Master, we are ready to take off.

Shall we proceed?”

Charlie nodded and said, “Go ahead.”

“Yes, master.” The flight attendant bowed respectfully, then returned to the cockpit and informed the two pilots of Charlie’s decision.

Immediately afterwards, the aircraft engine started.

At this time, the tractor dragged the front wheels of the aircraft and slowly pulled the aircraft out of the hangar.

Helena’s line of sight followed the plane until it exited the hangar and left her line of sight, heading towards the runway.

At this time, Helena’s tears finally came to her eyes.

Charlie left, leaving the throne of Northern Europe to her.

But in her heart, she wanted to abandon the Nordic throne for Charlie.

It’s a pity that abandoning the throne and getting Charlie is not a possibility.

Thinking of this, she asked the driver to drive the car out of the hangar, and then drove the car to the end of the runway along the internal road at the edge of the airport.

At this time, Charlie’s Concord soared from the end of the runway and flew towards the east.

Charlie on the plane did not know that Helena was watching the plane at the end of the runway below.

He was about to take a short break when he received a call from Nanako Ito and said, “Charlie, six billion euros have already been sent to our account.”

Charlie asked her, “Do you know who sent it?”

Nanako Ito said, “The funds are transferred from many overseas accounts.”

“I understand.” Charlie said with a smile, “It is estimated that there will be another 4 billion euros in the account tomorrow.

At that time, I will deposit 100 million euros in US dollars into your account and invest in BAIT Shipping together!”

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