The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 3490

Chapter 3490

Chapter 3490

Ronnie Wade quickly shook his head and said, “Lord, I am very grateful as long as you don’t blame me…”

Other members of the Wade family also agreed one after another.

Some people said, “Yes, Lord Drake, the grudge against you is with the Wade family.

It really has nothing to do with us collateral departments.

Please raise your hands to us and don’t involve us…”

Others also hurriedly echoed and said, “Lord Drake! We are just surnamed Wade, and we have nothing to do with the death of your parents.

Now that you have let the Wade family give in, which is a great revenge, why bother with us little people?”

Wesley listened to the pleas of these members of the Wade family and said coldly, “In my eyes, you and the Wade family are in the same genealogy, and naturally you are a family.

Since you are a family, you must also be responsible for the mistakes of the Wade family.”

With that, Wesley said coldly, “Don’t say that I didn’t give you a chance.

As long as you, like the Wade family, take out half of your assets obediently, I will not pursue this matter again! Otherwise, you will definitely pay a heavy price with your whole family!”

As soon as Wesley said this, there was a howl from the scene.

Taking out half of their property is simply cruel!

Wesley wanted to split them in half from the middle!

A group of people kept begging, and Ronnie Wade choked and said, “Lord Drake, we are just the sidelines of the Wade family.

You can’t treat us like the Wade family! As far as I know, you have already taken half of the Wade family’s assets.

How can you ask us on the same terms…”

Ronnie Wade’s words immediately resonated with others.

They realized that when they were ordered to return to Wade Mountain by Dragon Temple today, there must be nothing good.

But they didn’t expect that Dragon Temple’s appetite was so big!

Let them take out half of their assets, which is simply more terrible for them than killing them.

All of them have developed in their respective fields for decades.

They finally saved today’s figure, and suddenly they have to take out half of it, which no one can accept.

Wesley saw the following complaints and immediately said coldly, “I don’t talk nonsense to you.

I also saw the genealogy of the Wade family.

Except for the more than seven hundred people who came to participate in the ancestral worship ceremony this time, the other descendants of each of your family are also very clear in the genealogy.

If any family is dishonest and doesn’t cooperate, then don’t blame me for the cruelty of Dragon Temple!”

Hearing this, these collateral branches of the Wade family suddenly fell into deep despair.

They are very clear about the strength of Dragon Temple.

This kind of top mercenary regiment of tens of thousands of people under its command is simply not easy to deal with.

If they don’t cooperate obediently, they may die one day.

Moreover, even if the Wade family is far stronger than theirs, how can they have any confidence to fight to the end?

After all, these side families add up to their strength, which is not comparable to that of the Wade family, and it is completely different from Dragon Temple.

Seeing that all these people were scared pale, Wesley knew that they basically dared not disobey, so he said loudly, “Next, my men will dock with each of you according to the list.

If you don’t want to be an enemy of Dragon Temple, hurry up and get in touch with your family and return the family’s funds.

Gather around and transfer half of the assets to my Dragon Temple’s overseas account later as required! If you cooperate obediently, Dragon Temple will be at peace with you in the future.

Those who refuse to obey will be the sworn enemy of Dragon Temple from now on!”

When everyone heard this, they were desperate and basically made a decision to compromise with Dragon Temple.

If you don’t have money, you can make it again, but if your life is gone, there will be nothing left.

Moreover, the Wade family spectrum is in the hands of Wesley.

If Wesley is willing, it can completely let any branch of them break off their children and grandchildren.

Ronnie Wade begged desperately at this time, “Lord Drake… The little family property under the bottom has saved every penny, and every penny is hard-earned money.

Please raise your hand, at least don’t take that much away…”

Wesley nodded and said coldly, “Since every penny of your money is hard-earned money, of course I cannot want a penny.”

Hearing this, Ronnie Wade was so excited that he was about to thank him.

At this time, he saw Wesley turn around and ordered the soldiers next to him, “Find out all the information about this person and his family, no matter what method you use..

Within one year, I want their family to be completely extinct!”

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