The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 3506

Chapter 3506

Chapter 3506

Several Dragon Temple soldiers immediately walked over and said, “Okay Mr. Wade, we must do it!”

Seeing Lord Banks and Zayne Banks being taken away, Charlie looked at the Wade family who were kneeling in front of him.

Then he turned to Lord Wade and said, “I’ll go to my parents’ grave and stay for a while.

They still have to kneel here first.”

Lord Wade said without hesitation, “No problem Charlie, I will stay here.”

Charlie nodded, and walked through several rows of tombstones to reach his parents.

In front of the mausoleum, he slowly knelt down.

Staring at the photos of his parents, Charlie was full of emotion.

He couldn’t help but whisper, “Dad, your son is now the head of the Wade family.

If grandpa passed you the position of head of the family earlier, you and mom wouldn’t have to go to Aurous Hill and might have avoided the accident… Mom and Dad, you two please be assured that I will find the murderer, and get revenge!”

Speaking of which , Charlie looked at the portrait of his father’s handsome face, choked and said, “Dad…I know that you always wanted to carry the Wade family forward and let the Wade family stand on top of the world.

Now, your son has decided to carry your banner.

One day, the Wade family will surely become the top family in the world!”

After speaking, Charlie looked at the portrait of his mother again, and said ashamedly, “Mom… they all persuaded me to see my grandparents.

I believe you also want me to see them, but my grandpa and grandma really rarely see me, and now you are no longer here, I really don’t know how to face them, so this matter may not be possible for the time being, please forgive me…”

Then Charlie leaned down and knocked three heads in front of his parents’ tombstone.

Immediately afterwards, he said, “Dad and mom, your son will accompany you today.

I may return to Aurous Hill tomorrow, at the moment, your son is not ready to reveal his identity and should not stay in Eastcliff for a long time.

I will often take time to visit you…”

After that, Charlie said again, “When I officially reveal my identity to the world in the future, I will definitely bring your daughter-in-law and let you two, take a look at your son’s other half, and let you two feel more at ease.”

At this point, Charlie felt melancholy, and tears slipped silently.

For the next few hours, Charlie didn’t speak any more, but silently knelt in front of his parents’ grave without saying a word.

The Wade family can only see the back of him from below.

No one knows that this man who has just subdued the Dragon Temple and has completely changed the pattern of the Nordic royal family by himself has already burst into tears in front of his parents’ grave.

A few hours later, most of the Wade family’s collateral members knelt down all the way to the archway on the mountain.

Seeing a group of Wade family kneeling here, all of them were a little dumbfounded.

Before they could figure out why the Wade Family’s direct line members also knelt down, they were scolded by the soldiers of the Dragon Temple and knelt down one after another.

As more and more people came up, the Wade Mountain archway was almost full of people kneeling down.

At this time, it was getting late, and the golden sunset spread over the entire Wade Mountain, making these white marble tombstones on Wade Mountain look particularly eye-catching.

The setting sun on the horizon reflected Charlie’s back, and everyone watched intently, waiting for his next instructions.

However, this figure knelt there, motionless for several hours, like a sculpture.

When the fiery cloud was shining in the sky, Charlie slowly got up, turned around, and saw that the Wade family knelt down and slowly walked down from the mausoleum.

The core members of the Wade family and the collateral members all looked at him, and most of them were very nervous, except for Lord Wade and Ciara Wade, whose expressions are full of expectation.

Charlie stood in front of everyone, looked around, and said in a cold voice, “From today onwards, the Wade Family’s ancestor worship ceremony will be changed from once every twelve years to once every year! The form can be simplified, but everyone must be clear to come to Wade Mountain to worship the ancestors personally on the day of the festival, and no one can be absent! In addition, all members of the Wade family’s collateral family will come to Eastcliff every three months to hold a

debriefing meeting to report in detail to the main family on the business situation in the past three months, and no one is allowed to be absent! Listen! Do you understand?!”

In Charlie’s view, the Wade Family and other collateral family members only come to worship once every twelve years.

This frequency is really too low.

It is precisely because of this that they can’t talk about Wade Family at all.

No matter how loyal they are, the Wade Family has no actual control over them.

However, from now on, all of this must be completely changed.

Asking them to worship their ancestors every year and report their duties every three months is to strengthen the master’s control of the Wade Family.

If you compare the Wade family to a feudal dynasty, what Charlie has to do now is to strengthen the centralization of power, weaken the decentralization, and hold this group of people scattered all over the place firmly in his hands!

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