The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 3522

Chapter 3522

Chapter 3522

Charlie planned to let Zayne follow them.

Zayne didn’t touch the Elms family in any way.

On the contrary, he was really relieved when he knew that he would be under the surveillance of the Elms family in the future, so he was even more satisfied at this time, and said honestly, “Okay Mr. Wade, I see.”

Charlie turned to call Don Albert, and let him take Zayne to Mr. Elms’ room.

Later, he said to Lord Banks, “Lord Banks, you have a good attitude today.

If so, then I will give you more freedom.

You can go back to the Banks family tonight, and a family meeting will be held tomorrow to make Miss Banks the Banks family Patriarch.

Regarding the Patriarch’s matter, we formally make an announcement to the outside world.

You can move freely in China during the period before you set off, but you cannot leave China or go missing.

Do you understand?”

When Lord Banks heard Charile say that he was able to go home and rest for two days, he was instantly grateful, and choked up, “Mr. Wade, thank you for opening up this old bone to me… I am grateful.……”

Lord Banks was oppressed by Charlie’s tough aura for two days, and knelt on Wade Mountain for another night.

He didn’t know how many times he collapsed.

Now Charlie was a little more relaxed with him, and he couldn’t help but begin to be grateful for Charlie.

Charlie waved his hand and said to him, “Okay, if you are grateful, you don’t have to say it, just keep it in your heart.

You should hurry and go back.

It just happens that these two days will also gather the people who will go to Madagascar with you in the future.”

“Good, good…” Lord Banks nodded as if pounding garlic, and blurted out, “Then I will go back first! Mr. Wade, if you have any instructions, please let Zara convey to me directly, and I will do it!”

Charlie nodded and said to Stephen Thompson, “Stephen, you can arrange it.”

Stephen Thompson immediately respectfully said, “Yes, young master.”

After that, he made a gesture of request to Lord Banks, “Master Banks, please.”

Lord Banks thanked him for his gratitude and followed Stephen Thompson out of the hotel room.

In the room, only Deana and Zara were left at this time.

Charlie was about to talk to Zara about increasing the capital of BAIT shipping.

And he also wanted to talk about the idea of BAIT shipping’s development in Europe, but Deana said at this time, “Charlie, will you return to Aurous Hill tomorrow morning?”

Charlie nodded, “Yes, Aunt Deana, I’ll be back early in the morning.”

Deana asked with some embarrassment, “Can Auntie go back with your plane?”

At this time, Deana has made Aurous Hill the first choice for her future life.

The small courtyard where Charlie’s parents lived has been renovated by her.

For her, living there is the best choice.

Charlie knew Deana’s feelings for his father, her love for him, her love and admiration, so he said without hesitation, “No problem, you can stay with Zara in the hotel at night, and tomorrow morning, I will send you to the airport.”

Deana smiled slightly and said, “I won’t live here anymore.

I plan to go home and see my parents.

I will go to the airport by myself tomorrow morning.”

Zara asked hurriedly, “Mom, are you going to Grandpa’s house? Then I will go too.”

Deana smiled and said, “Don’t go with me, isn’t your grandpa going to hold a family meeting tomorrow? You will definitely attend as the new Patriarch at that time.

Charlie will work hard to send you back to Banks’ house first.”

After finishing speaking, she looked at Charlie again and begged, “Charlie, I will let you work hard to send Zara in a while.”

Charlie nodded and said, “There is no problem with Aunt Deana, I still have something to discuss with Miss Banks.

After the talk, I will send her back to Banks’ house safely.

Don’t worry.”

Deana nodded her head and smiled, “That’s good, then I’ll leave Zara to you.”

Charlie said, “Then see you at the airport at 8 o’clock tomorrow morning.”

Deana smiled and said, “Okay, see you at the airport.”

Seeing her mother leave, Zara seemed a little embarrassed.

When there are a lot of people, she feels uncomfortable in front of Charlie, but now, when she is alone with Charlie, she only feels that her heart rate is accelerating, and the sound of her heart beating can even be heard directly.

Yesterday, when Charlie was on Wade Mountain, he was able to conquer the entire Dragon Temple alone, and Zara could see clearly from the side.

Originally, she had fallen in love with Charlie deeply, but she did not think that after yesterday, the love for Charlie in her heart had already penetrated into her bones, and her heart was filled with almost all of him.

Being alone with Charlie at this time naturally made her heart beat faster and unable to extricate herself.

So, she looked at Charlie with shame, and asked softly, “Benefactor…you…what else do you want me to do?”

Charlie said in a hurry, “Oh, it’s BAIT shipping’s business.

After your capital injection is completed, I plan to expand the fleet and invest in several ports in Europe.

It just so happens that Helena is about to take the throne.

We will be her first project for attracting investment in Northern Europe, starting directly from Northern Europe and radiating to the entire Europe.

What do you think?”

Zara blushed, pursed her mouth, looked at Charlie’s angular face, and replied with shame, “I…I listen to Benefactor…”

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