The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 3529

Chapter 3529

Chapter 3529

Hearing Orrin’s reminder, Charlie immediately nodded and said, “Uncle Orrin, don’t worry, since I have decided to transform, everything must be reasonable and legal.

I will make this clear to Wesley!”

Charlie added, “Moreover, based on my current understanding of the Dragon Temple, most of their soldiers are martial artists.

Even if they don’t have thermal weapons, their combat effectiveness will never be inferior.

There is definitely no problem with ordinary armed personnel.”

Orrin smiled and said, “That would be great.

As long as it is reasonable and legal, this matter will definitely be able to go on for a long time.

If it can be thoroughly cleaned up, it will be a great thing for Dragon Temple!”

Charlie nodded, picked up the wine glass, and respectfully said, “Come on, Uncle Orrin, I toast you! Thank you for designing a bright road for Dragon Temple!”

“Okay!” Orrin picked up the wine glass and said seriously, “Uncle just hopes that when you lead the Wade family and stand on the top of the world in the future, you will not have countless black histories like those rich and powerful.

You can guarantee a clean history!”

He sighed as he said, “If we don’t say anything else, just say that in our country, some people sell fake goods and become the richest man in the face; some people rely on piracy and plagiarism to make money.

Relied on rogue software to become industry leaders, and some people became billionaires by embezzling public assets.

Those who relied on their wives and father-in-law to engage in speculation and even empty white wolves are even more numerous!”

Charlie laughed at himself, and said, “Uncle Orrin, if I say that, my history may not be truly glorious.

The grandchild of the family is still locked in Aurous Hill.”

“That’s different.” Orrin blurted out, “I’ve heard you talk about the Kobayashi family.

If they hadn’t coveted your pill, they wouldn’t have caused a major disaster.

Since they were the first to make a mistake, everything you did was justified! So you don’t have the psychological burden!”

Charlie smiled awkwardly, and then said, “I went to Northern Europe this time and forced 9 billion euros from a collateral branch of the Rothschild family.”

The three Sun family members were dumbfounded.

9 billion euros, even from the Sun family’s point of view, is a huge sum of money.

Charlie can force out so much money from the Rothschild family, it is incredible.

Orrin asked nervously, “Charlie, why did you get in touch with the Rothschild family so early? This is not a good thing for you.

Although the Wade family is very strong now, the Rothschild family is still far better and a thousand miles away…”

Charlie hurriedly said, “It’s just a collateral branch family, and what I did was relatively simple, and I won’t leave any clues.

As for the money that was washed into the hands of the Ito family through Dragon Temple’s overseas channels, I didn’t get involved.”

After speaking, Charlie explained the conflict between himself and William’s family in the Nordic Palace to the three people.

However, Charlie didn’t say so clearly about controlling the croupier with his aura, only that he was proficient in some hypnotisms.

After listening, Stefanie exclaimed and said excitedly, “Charlie you did this incredibly! What about William Rothschild wanting to take your money, it’s just a fight! He deserves to be sent to Syria to experience life.”

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