The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 3536

Chapter 3536

Chapter 3536

With that, Charlie said again, “From now on, all the administrative buildings of Shangri-La Hotel will stop selling, leaving the whole building behind.

I have other uses for it.”

“Okay.” Isaac Cameron nodded without hesitation and said, “Then I will inform the management in a moment and remove these rooms from the shelves in omni-channel immediately.”

Charlie hummed and said, “When Wesley comes, let the people of Dragon Temple live there first.

In addition, leave a suite for Xion, and then leave twenty rooms for me for business hospitality.

In the future, let the professional managers of the Wade family come to Aurous Hill regularly to report their work to me.”

“Good young master.” Isaac Cameron quickly said, “I will coordinate immediately to replace all the staff of the administrative building with my cronies, and at the same time strengthen security management to strictly prevent outsiders from entering.”

“Very well.” Charlie nodded and said, “When Wesley comes, I will ask him to transfer a five-star general from the Dragon Temple, and then thirty well-trained men.

At that time, they will form a flexible security team in Aurous Hill, under your command.

The loyalty of the people under you is enough, but the combat effectiveness is a little weaker.

With the Dragon Temple supplement, the overall strength will be qualitatively improved.”

Isaac Cameron said respectfully, “Good Master Wade! At that time, I will also take this opportunity to let the people of Dragon Temple help us cultivate more talents!”

At this time, there was a knock on the door and the voice of a young woman said, “Mr. Cameron, Mr. Graham Quinton of the Quinton family, Mr. Zeke White of the White family wants to see you.”

Isaac Cameron said in surprise, “Why did Graham Quinton and Zeke White want to see me at this time?”

After saying that, he looked at Charlie and asked, “Master Wade, do you want to see them?”

“Of course.” Charlie nodded and said, “They have come, how can I avoid them?”

Isaac Cameron quickly said to the female secretary at the door, “Bring them here.”

“Okay, Mr. Cameron.”

A moment later, the female secretary returned with Graham Quinton and Zeke White.

As soon as the two entered the door, they couldn’t help but be surprised to see Charlie and Don Albert sitting on the sofa.

Graham Quinton quickly asked, “Master Wade, why are you here?”

Charlie smiled and said, “I heard that something had happened to Mr. Cameron’s boss, so as soon as he came back, I came and visited.”

Graham Quinton and Zeke White suddenly realized.

In fact, they also have this purpose.

They have long heard that something big has happened to the Wade family, and Isaac Cameron is not in Aurous Hill.

They think that he must have gone to Eastcliff.

Just now, Graham Quinton heard from his own news channel that Isaac Cameron had returned to Shangri-La Hotel, so he quickly called Zeke White to come and visit.

When they first entered Shangri-La Hotel, they both saw that the business of the hotel was much bleaker than before, and they knew the general situation, so Zeke White said, “Mr. Cameron, we are actually coming here this time to strengthen cooperation with the Shangri-La Hotel.”

With that, Zeke White said again, “Didn’t I develop two properties in the suburbs? They sold well at the opening, and sold half in less than a month, so I just want to hold an owner’s appreciation meeting.

At that time, I will hold banquets, programs, draw lots and so on.

At that time, you have to give me the largest banquet hall of Shangri-La Hotel!”

Graham Quinton also said with a smile, “This year’s blessing of our Quinton family, the supply of medicinal materials has set a record.

In the past, we rushed to collect medicine from various medicinal materials in the country.

This year, I plan to hold a medicinal material exchange meeting directly in Aurous Hill, so that these groups of medicinal material suppliers can bring samples and prices to Aurous Hill for on-site exchange and hand in.

Let’s sign the contract on the spot.

If it’s not suitable, I’ll reimburse them for the round-trip toll and take care of food and accommodation.

At that time, we will have to bother Mr. Cameron to help arrange the reception!”

Seeing the attitude of the two, Charlie felt a little more appreciative.

At this time, others avoided Shangri-La Hotel, but they rushed to deliver business.

It can be seen that the two did regard Isaac Cameron as friends.

Therefore, Charlie smiled and said, “Mr. Cameron, since everyone is supporting you like this, I will also cheer up! Save the banquet hall here for me for two days.

I’m going to hold an auction!”

Isaac Cameron quickly asked, “Master Wade… What are you going to auction off?”

Charlie smiled and said, “I’ll say hello and ask the Moore family to take out some of the collections of the Moore family to support the scene… As for myself…”

At this point, Charlie laughed at himself and said, “I don’t have anything valuable on me.

I’m afraid the only one I can take is Rejuvenating Pill.

At most, I will refine a few amulets casually to see who is willing to buy!”

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