The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 3570

Chapter 3570

Chapter 3570

If you want to refine this kind of pill, you must use aura as a medium, and use the method of alchemy recorded in the “Apocalyptic Book” to refine the essence of the medicinal materials little by little, and then use the aura to further sublimate and change the essence of the medicinal materials.

And finally condensed into a pill.

If the aura is missing, the medicinal properties may not even reach 1%.

In this kind of elixir, the importance of aura is much more important than the medicinal material itself.

This also means that whether it is a Life-saving pill or a rejuvenating pill, as long as it is a pill that requires aura refining, it cannot be mass-produced on the assembly line.

Even if Charlie didn’t do anything all day long and tried his best to refine the Life-Saving Pill, he might be able to produce hundreds of them in one day.

Therefore, Charlie currently does not have the ability to let Oracle Pharmaceutical produce this medicine in batches.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help feeling regretful.

The production of medicines is naturally for the purpose of making money, but also for the benefit of society.

If there is any way in the future to bring the Life-Saving Pill to the production line and realize mass production, it is really possible to realize the vision of Liam Weaver just now.

However, this idea can only be regarded as a good wish so far.

If he really wants to realize it, I am afraid that he has to see if there is a better chance in the future.

However, Charlie suddenly thought that the medicinal effect of Enchanted Pill is very strong.

As long as people still have a breath, this medicine will definitely be able to save life, and most injuries and illnesses can be completely cured.

If this is the case, it is better to dilute its ingredients to make a specific drug that can control cancer immediately.

If taken by tumor patients, it can effectively inhibit tumor development.

Long-term continuous use can not only inhibit tumor development, but it can also make tumors slowly shrink, allowing patients to survive long-term stably.

This kind of medicine has many advantages compared with the targeted medicine of western medicine.

First, there are too many types of targeted drugs, and most of the targeted drugs can only treat one type of cancer.

Using the diluted Life-Saving Pill, almost any cancer can be treated, even other diseases are effective.

Second, targeted drugs will quickly develop resistance.

Once they develop resistance, they will lose their therapeutic effect.

However, the components of Life-Saving Pill will never develop resistance.

In other words, if cancer patients can continue to take it, not only will they hope for a complete cure, even if it cannot be cured, they can also achieve the long-term cancer-carrying survival that Liam Weaver just said.

If the calculation is based on the method of taking one pill per day for cancer patients, then even one pill contains only one thousandth of the Life-Saving Pill, it must be sufficiently effective.

Therefore, he immediately said to Liam Weaver, “I have a prescription that can control cancer, but this prescription needs to add a Life-Saving Pill as a medicine, so the production capacity may be very limited.

After I make it, you can take it first.

Some samples can be sent to the United States, and they can be given to their relevant departments.

Trick them into saying that this is a cancer-specific drug that we are developing and will be fully marketed.

If they speed up the approval of it, then they will follow Oracle Pharmaceutical in the future.

All of its products will abandon the U.S.

market! Frighten them and let them measure it by themselves.”

When Liam Weaver heard that it was a Life-Saving Pill, he immediately knew that it was the magic medicine that Graham Quinton, Zeke White, Jasmine Moore, Dr.

Simmons, and Don Albert had all received before.

Now, when he heard that Charlie wanted to use this magical medicine to make a special cancer medicine to scare the Americans, he immediately understood Charlie’s intentions.

He hurriedly asked Charlie, “Master Wade, what are you going to call this medicine? Even if it is a sample, I have to let someone design a reliable package, so that the credibility will be higher.”

Charlie nodded and smiled, “Once this medicine is taken out, it definitely has the effect of regenerating new life for ordinary people, so it’s called Healing Salve!”

“Oracle’s Healing Salve…” Liam Weaver couldn’t hide his excitement.

Said, “Master Wade, I will arrange the design team to produce the packaging immediately after I go back!”

Charlie said, “I am going to make a hard round pill with a diameter of about one centimeter.

You design it into seven pills.

One box is just one week’s worth.”

“Okay!” Liam said hurriedly, “I will make samples for you these few days! ”

“Okay.” Charlie said with a smile, “I guess this is the case.

At most, I can get a few thousand boxes of the medicine.

Except for a small part of it to stimulate the relevant departments of those western countries, the rest will be given to the severely ill patients in China who have more difficult families.

You can engage in a free drug donation event for Oracle Healing Salve Pills.

It is said to the public that this is our latest research result.

This can also enhance the reputation of Oracle Pharmaceutical.”

Liam asked, “Master Wade, your Oracle’s Healing Salve Pills, do the formulas need to be patented? I’m afraid that Western countries and pharmaceutical companies will find ways to figure out the ingredients from the first time after they get them.

If the patents are not registered, there may be risks in the future.”

Charlie nodded, “Okay, I will give you a prescription when the time comes.

You will register the patent for the prescription in advance.”

Then Charlie said to Liam, “In addition to this Oracle Healing Salve Pill, I have another one that can be mass-produced.

A new prescription that can effectively protect the liver.

I will give you the prescription later.

You can register a patent.

As for the name of the drug, it is called Lucent Pill.”

Liam was surprised and said, “Master Wade, the liver tablets, it should be what you said before, the Liver Health prescription, right?”

“Yes,” Charlie nodded and said, “It is necessary to make this kind of conservation-type medicine.

It is half-curing and half-healthy, and the audience is also larger.

The combination of a stomach powder and a liver protection tablet is definitely a combination of good medicines for the people at home!”

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