The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 3597

Chapter 3597

Chapter 3597

Liam Weaver melted Charlie’s medicinal mud as soon as he brought it back to Oracle Pharmaceutical.

In the afternoon, he used this medicinal mud to produce a full 700 boxes of Healing Salve Pills.

Afterwards, he took out twenty boxes from it and locked all the rest into the safe.

Immediately afterwards, he ordered his confidants to start publishing news about soliciting volunteers to test new anti-cancer drugs in China, asking these volunteers to provide explanations of their family situation and their real cases for review.

According to Liam Weaver’s plan, he intends to collect applicants in a week, and then select the most suitable 100 people from these applicants, and then invite them all to Aurous Hill to conduct drug testing.

He knew very well that this was actually Charlie giving a hundred people or a hundred families a chance to be born again.

After arranging these, he rushed to the airport with 20 boxes of Healing Salve pills and hurried to the United States.

At the moment the plane took off, Liam Weaver was still a little nervous.

He still didn’t understand the efficacy of these Healing Salve Pills, so he didn’t know if he could complete the task that Charlie explained during his trip to the United States.

But he couldn’t even dream of what kind of waves these twenty boxes of Healing Salve Pill would cause in the United States.


On the evening of Liam Weaver’s departure for the United States, Wade family’s Concorde also quietly flew to Aurous Hill to prepare for Charlie’s Middle East trip in advance.

In order to be able to solve all the problems of the Dragon Temple prisoners and the base in one step, Charlie not only made an agreement with Wesley to meet at the Lebanese capital Beirut Airport tomorrow morning, but also contacted Commander Hamid in advance.

He first made Commander Hamid ready to provide a place for negotiation, and then called Sayed, the now elevated leader of the government army.

Sayed is now a national hero with meritorious service.

The 15,000 soldiers in the Dragon Temple were captured without blood, which made him famous in the first battle.

In addition, he has also been promoted within the government army, and now he has a bright future.

However, he is also worrying about the 15,000 soldiers in the Dragon Temple.

So many prisoners have far exceeded the maximum capacity of their prison system, so they could only build a temporary prison with marching tents and barbed wire in a mountainous area outside the suburbs, and imprison the soldiers of the Dragon Temple here.

However, feeding these 15,000 soldiers is a huge burden for them, and just feeding them every day will cost a lot of money.

In addition, maintaining the operation of this temporary prison also requires a lot of manpower and material resources, which is even worse for the government forces that are already somewhat stretched.

They originally wanted to have a talk with Wesley to see if Dragon Temple would pay compensation, and then quickly take away the 15,000 prisoners, but during this time, Wesley was busy.

Seeking revenge for the Wade family is either kneeling on Wade Mountain to confess, or busy with the funeral of his parents and the whitewashing task arranged by Charlie, so they can’t get in touch with Wesley at all.

Just when he didn’t know how to deal with these prisoners, Charlie called.

Sayed only knew that Charlie’s surname was Wade, but he didn’t know that Charlie was from the Wade family, so he didn’t think much about receiving Charlie’s call, and asked him very politely, “Why is Mr.

Wade free to call me?”

Charlie smiled and said, “Mr.

Sayed, I am calling to communicate with you about the Dragon Temple.”

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