The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 3600

Chapter 3600

Chapter 3600

Moreover, Commander Hamid had heard about the masters in the Dragon Temple, and was very worried that Dragon Temple would seek revenge on himself in the future.

Now Charlie actually reconciled it, asking him to turn the enemy into a friend with Wesley, he was naturally 10,000 times willing.

So, he shook hands with Wesley hurriedly, and said excitedly, “Hello Mr. Drake! The previous things are so offensive, please don’t take it to heart…”

Wesley solemnly said, “Commander Hamid, please rest assured, since Mr. Wade has said that he wants to turn the article completely, I will never get entangled any more.”

Commander Hamid saw that Wesley was so refreshing, and there was respect for Charlie both inside and out.

He couldn’t help being surprised, he couldn’t understand why Wesley respected Charlie so much.

Charlie smiled slightly at this time, and said in an amused voice, “Brother, Wesley and his Dragon Temple have sworn allegiance to me.

From now on, he will be his own to you.”

Charlie said that, and Commander Hamid was stunned!

He originally thought that Charlie was here to reconcile this time, but he never dreamed that Wesley and Dragon Temple had already made allegiance to Charlie.

So he subconsciously asked, “Brother… is this true? Are you kidding me?”

Just when he couldn’t believe all this, Wesley also said, “Commander Hamid , Mr. Wade is not joking with you, Dragon Temple has indeed sworn allegiance to Mr. Wade!”

Commander Hamid was horrified, looked at Charlie, and muttered, “Brother…how did you do it?”

Charlie smiled and said, “I’ll talk about this later, when will Sayed arrive?”

Commander Hamid looked at the time and replied, “It’s probably another ten minutes.”

“Okay.” Charlie nodded, “Then let’s wait for him here.”

Ten minutes later, another helicopter landed slowly in the valley.

Sayed, wearing a military uniform, jumped out of the helicopter with strides, and when he saw Charlie, he warmly greeted him, “Hello, Mr. Wade! We finally meet again!”

Charlie nodded and smiled, exchanged a few words with him, and then introduced Wesley to him.

Sayed had never seen Wesley before, and suddenly learned that the young man next to Charlie was Wesley, and he hadn’t recovered for a while.

Charlie patted Sayed on the shoulder and said with a smile, “This time I have an interview with you, I just want to solve the problems between you and Dragon Temple in one step, and provide you with a better choice, how about we go to the meeting room of Commander Hamid to talk in detail?”

“Good!” Sayed quickly agreed.

When the four of them came to the conference room, Charlie said straight to Sayed, “Sayed, the 15,000 prisoners in the Dragon Temple must be a lot of burden for you, right?”

In front of Wesley, he naturally did not want to admit this, so he pretended to say relaxedly, “In fact, it doesn’t matter.

We have set aside a place for them to imprison them, and everything is in order.”

Charlie smiled and said, “Sayed, here today, in fact, no matter me, Commander Hamid, or even Wesley, anyone here is no longer your enemy, but your friend.”

Charlie said again, “Since Commander Hamid successfully defended the attacks of the government and the Dragon Temple, other opposition forces have also begun to vigorously strengthen their defenses.

In the future, they will all develop bases in the mountains that are easy to defend and difficult to attack.

It is difficult for you to fight.

Coming down, and you yourself have no danger to guard, the situation in the future will only become more and more passive.”

Sayed’s expression remained unchanged, but he was really worried about this matter in his heart.

Right now, the two sides are indeed in a stalemate.

Originally, this stalemate did not make the government forces too anxious.

After all, they always felt that the other party was in the defensive stage.

However, what happened in another country in the Middle East some time ago made their backs chill.

Great changes have just taken place in that country, and it is the passive side who fought guerrillas in the mountains who won the final victory.

This greatly stimulated their nerves and made them suddenly nervous.

At this time, Charlie said sternly, “Sayed, if you want, Dragon Temple can become your half ally in the future.”

Sayed asked in surprise, “What is a half ally?”

Charlie smiled slightly and explained, “They will become your body armor, although they will not participate in your offensive, but if you are in danger, they will fully assist you in defense and defend the opponent’s fatal blow!”

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