The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 3610

Chapter 3610

Chapter 3610

Speaking of which, Smith roared with a distorted expression, “My son! My lovely, twelve-year-old son! He was diagnosed with glioma five years ago and underwent many craniotomy operations.

Now it has developed to the fourth stage! In the past five years, he has suffered endlessly for many people in their lives! I have also exhausted the best treatments that can be found in the world! It is because of the top medical technologies that he can live to this day! Otherwise, he may have left me three years ago! So, if you can guarantee to put away your unidentified garbage medicine, and from now on, I can maintain my gentlemanliness and sit here to accompany you to dinner! Otherwise, I’ll leave now! And I won’t refund you a penny of your thirty-ten thousand dollars!”

Liam Weaver didn’t expect that there would be such a thing in the other party’s house, and he felt a little empathetic for a while.

So he said apologetically, “Mr. Smith, I’m sorry to hear that.

I take the liberty to ask, how is your son’s condition now?”

When Smith heard this question, the aggressiveness just now disappeared, and replaced it with a kind of despair and helplessness from the bottom of his heart.

He sighed and muttered, “Half a month ago, he just received $47 million T-cell immunotherapy from Novartis Pharmaceutical, but with little effect… Now, his tumor has recurred and spread all over the body… Just three days ago, the largest tumor in his brain had compressed his optic nerve, so he is now blind… The reason why I was late just now was that an hour before I got off work, my wife told me that his hearing was also affected and he couldn’t hear others clearly… So I rushed to the hospital.

The doctor told me that his current situation has lost its means of treatment, and there is still one month left in his life at most.”

Speaking of this, Smith clenched his fist and said unwillingly, “But I also want to try T-cell therapy again.

Once it doesn’t work, maybe two or three times it can work.

Even if it can only make him live two or three more months, I’m willing! Because only if he is alive can miracles happen…”

Liam Weaver pushed the two boxes of Healing Salve pills to him again and said seriously, “Mr. Smith, since your son’s condition is so critical, I hope you can put aside your prejudice against traditional oriental medicine, take these two boxes of medicine back, and give them a try.

Miracles will definitely happen!”

Smith’s ferocious expression reappeared.

He roughly swept the two boxes of Healing Salve Pills to the ground and roared angrily, “I have told you! Put away your garbage! Even if you kill me, I won’t use my precious son to experiment with your backward traditional medicine!”

Liam Weaver has always maintained excellent cultivation and has always measured Smith’s mood, but he didn’t expect that even if he knew so well, Smith was still full of hostility to traditional oriental medicine.

What’s more, Charlie is his benefactor and his most respected person.

But seeing that Charlie’s own refined Healing Salve pills were hit to the ground by the other party, he couldn’t stand it anymore!

Then he stood up and said angrily, “Mr. Smith! I have been forbearing your contemptuous attitude many times, but your extremely proud and world-first attitude is too excessive and lacks cultivation! Do

you think I flew more than half of the globe and spent fifty thousand dollars on public relations just to tease you? Then you take yourself too seriously!”

With that, he bent down, picked up two boxes of Healing Salve pills, gently wiped the dust on them, and carefully restored the crushed parts of the box.

Then he said to Smith very seriously, “Mr. Smith, I ask you to remember this medicine.

Its name is Healing Salve Pills! It is made by a top master I admire! It doesn’t matter if you don’t believe in this medicine.

One day, I will let you know how stupid you are today! In my opinion, your so-called pride and self- confidence are just like a frog in the well, sitting in the well and watching the sky!”

As soon as he heard the words, he immediately pulled up his suitcase and said coldly, “There is no need to continue this meal! There is no need to refund the money! Goodbye!”

Smith was a little stunned, but he still said hard, “In that case, I won’t give you away!”

Liam Weaver turned around at this time and looked at him.

His heart softened a little.

He put one of the boxes of Healing Salve pills back in front of him and said lightly, “Although you are arrogant, the child is innocent after all.

This box of medicine is left to you.

You can use it or not.

Take care of yourself.

There is not much time!”

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