The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 3680

Chapter 3680

Chapter 3680

Charlie smiled and said, “All those who come to you about introduction or agency should be rejected directly.

As for those rich people who want to buy medicine in private, you tell them that we will not open this opening for the time being.”

Liam Weaver said again, “By the way, Master Wade, James Smith from the United States also called and said that the FDA wanted to buy another batch of Healing Salve pills at the previous price, or the price would rise a little more.”

Charlie sneered and said, “If the FDA wants to purchase Healing Salve Pills, I’m afraid their reverse research and development has encountered a bottleneck.”

With that, Charlie told him, “Liam, from now on, except for the batch of Healing Salve pills given to domestic patients for free, all the rest will be sealed.

No matter how much money they offer, you won’t sell any.”

Liam Weaver immediately said, “Okay Master Wade, then I’ll reply to them one by one.”

Charlie hummed and asked him again, “By the way, Liam, have the people of Dragon Temple found anything abnormal near Oracle Pharmaceutical?”

“Yes!” Liam Weaver said quickly, “In the past two days, several suspicious persons have been located one after another.

They have secretly stared at each other.

They said that it is observed that those suspicious persons should be well-trained agents.

They are waiting for the time to catch these people directly and secretly send them to Don Albert.”

“Okay.” Charlie told him, “You should be careful in these times.

It’s better to stay in Oracle Pharmaceutical and don’t go anywhere for the time being.”

Liam Weaver quickly said, “Okay Master Wade!”


The next morning.

Shunhei Nakamura dressed himself as a morning runner and ran all the way from his residence to Oracle Pharmaceutical.

On his way to Oracle Pharmaceuticals, Jasmine Moore announced that her antique collection would hold an auction in Aurous Hill in twenty days, and also announced the information about the collection to be auctioned.

In addition to some celebrity calligraphy and paintings, antique porcelain, there is also an item called rejuvenation pills.

It did not explain much about rejuvenation pills, but only introduced that it is an ancient Chinese prescription with excellent efficacy.

As soon as the news came out, it did not cause any waves locally and domestically in Aurous Hill.

Because the people in the country have long been used to all kinds of pills and elixirs.

For example, the price of pills, which has been stir-fried before, is as high as hundreds of thousands of yuan per piece;

Another example is Healing Salve Pill, which has been popular all over the world recently, which is even more valuable.

People think that this rejuvenation pill may also be a kind of pill left over many years ago, and the collection significance may be greater than its medicinal value.

However, very few people know about the rejuvenation pill, and they are not very shocked by this news.

For example, Graham Quinton, Zeke White and even Travis Lane, who had a rejuvenation pill.

They all know that this medicine was made by Charlie, and they also knew that even Don Albert had taken one rejuvenation pill.

Now Charlie took out one or two rejuvenation pills to hold an auction, which was not big news for them.

However, this news is in the upper class of Europe and the United States thousands of miles away, like a thunderstorm, which makes everyone ecstatic!

These days, they have been listening to others talk about the magical effect of rejuvenation pills, and many people are asking for news about rejuvenation pills everywhere.

Among them, Ferdie Joules, a Chinese millionaire in the United States, is included.

Ferdie Joules sent a team to China for news about the rejuvenation pill many days ago, but he has never got anything.

Now suddenly there was news from Aurous Hill that a rejuvenating pill was going to be auctioned.

Ferdie Joules almost hesitated and immediately prepared the private plane to fly to Aurous Hill as soon as possible.

At this time, Jasmine Moore released another news that shocked the whole world.

It requires that all those who want to participate in this auction must cooperate with the capital verification.

Only buyers whose assets are determined to exceed ten billion yuan are eligible to sign up.

Moreover, registration does not mean that you can pass the review!

Because it said that the top two hundred people with the most funds will eventually be selected from qualified applicants.

Only these two hundred people are eligible to come to Aurous Hill to participate in this auction!

This form of auction has existed around the world for hundreds or thousands of years, and everyone has long been used to it, but it is the first time for everyone to hear about auctions with such high demands on participants!

Except for a few people who know the value of the rejuvenation pill, others think that it must be crazy, believing that it must have deliberately made such ridiculous stunts and malicious hype.

Seeing the scolding of it on the Internet, Charlie was relieved.

What he wants is this cognitive difference.

Let ordinary people regard it as a joke, and let the real rich people regard it as the most precious thing.

It is also this cognitive difference that makes people criticize Jasmine Moore’s antique collection.

The registration platform has only been launched for two hours, and the number of applicants has exceeded five hundred!

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