The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 3692

Chapter 3692

Chapter 3692

“No.” Charlie waved his hand, “The income generated by your operation is normally divided according to the proportion of investment, but if it is for your own use in Moore Group’s antique collection, don’t report the income.”

Seeing this, Jasmine no longer insisted.

In her eyes, she said affectionately, “Okay Master Wade, Jasmine knows!”

Charlie nodded satisfiedly, and then asked her, “How’s the registration going now?”

Jasmine said quickly, “Master Wade, nearly 700 people have signed up so far.”

With that, she opened a document on the tablet and handed it to Charlie.

She said respectfully, “Master Wade, all the registration information is here.

We have begun to review the asset information they submitted.

After the registration deadline, we will verify and sort the assets of all applicants, from the top two hundred of the most powerful people selected to participate in the auction.”

Charlie nodded slightly and then looked through the registration information.

Among the 700 people who have signed up, the person with available data and the highest assets is Bernard Arnault, who is now ranked third in the world’s richest list.

Charlie said curiously, “Why haven’t I heard of Bernard Arnault?”

Jasmine squeezed her lips and snickered, “Master Wade, you don’t know Bernard Arnault, but your wife should know.”

“Really?” Charlie asked puzzledly, “Why do you say that?”

Jasmine smiled and said, “Because this person is the godfather of global luxury goods… Many of France’s top luxury brands are under the name of his group, and the most famous is Louis Vuitton, commonly known as LV.”

With that, Jasmine said again, “Moreover, he made a lot of big moves some time ago, and successively acquired a number of French and Italian luxury brands, including the famous Emma.

Because of his near monopoly hegemony in the luxury goods field, his value has also reached an amazing 170 billion.

If it is converted into RMB, it will exceed trillions of dollars.”

Charlie nodded and said with a smile, “So that’s it… It seems that this old man can be called a friend of women around the world!”

With that, Charlie looked at Bernard Arnault’s information carefully and found that he was in his seventies and began to worry about prolonging his life.

In fact, since ancient times, the world’s top dignitaries have been like this.

People in their teens to their twenties and thirties, can be considered an ignorant stage when they are young and frivolous and don’t know the precious time.

People of this age only care about the present and the future.

That’s why some people are willing to sell one of their kidneys for tens of thousands of yuan, or even a mobile phone, or sacrifice their health or even take risks for a little profit.

Starting from the age of twenty or thirty to the age of fifty or sixty, for most people, it is a stage that really lays the foundation for a lifetime.

Especially for those top rich people, these precious decades are the most prosperous time in their lives.

Almost all the rich have achieved exponential surges in assets at this age group.

With the increasing success of career development, personal wealth and age, these rich people will naturally enter a state of “saving their lives” after success and old age, hoping that they can live longer and have more time to enjoy these outstanding achievements they have created.

The more successful the person is, the more so.

In ancient times, every emperor in China dreamed of immortality.

In modern times, almost every billionaire is also repeating the mistakes of ancient emperors and secretly investing huge costs in finding a way to live forever.

David Rockefeller, the third-generation heir of the Rockefeller family in the United States, spent hundreds of millions of dollars to do six heart transplants and lived to 101 years old.

In addition, many rich people spend hundreds of millions of dollars a year to inject cell needles just to delay aging.

Like Ferdie Joules, there are many rich people who invest billions of dollars in various scientific research projects.

Therefore, the rejuvenation pill is particularly attractive to the rich over 70 years old at present.

As long as you spend money on a rejuvenation pill, those investments that are uncertain and hsd long waiting periods in the past can be completely omitted.

But it is also because of different stages and different mentality that Bezos, the founder of Amazon, and Elon Musk, the founder of Tesla and top of the world’s richest list, did not sign up for the auction.

Charlie was not surprised by this, because neither of them was old.

Bezos is a little older, but he is not yet sixty years old, and Musk is just over fifty.

Both of them, in the field of entrepreneurship, are in their prime.

People in this age are full of money and big things, and there is no particularly urgent need for longevity.

Moreover, these two people are both internet-born bosses.

They are avant-garde and radical.

They must be skeptical or even negative about rejuvenation pills, so it is impossible to sign up for the auction.

However, Charlie felt that if they waited for more than ten or twenty years, the two of them would definitely flock to the Rejuvenation Pill.

Because in his opinion, no one can escape this rule!

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