The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 3722

Chapter 3722

Chapter 3722

Jacob Wilson often leaves early and returns late in recent days.

Although the Aurous Hill Calligraphy and Painting Association is a professional non-governmental organization in name, it is actually half of the official nature.

Generally speaking, it is a semi-official and semi-civilian people’s organization.

If there is no need for official business, it is a small group of hobbyists.

But if there is an official event, it will represent the official attendance.

In this cultural exchange between Aurous Hill and South Korea’s sister cities, the Calligraphy and Painting Association has naturally become the official friendship representative and exchange messenger.

Therefore, in order to ensure the success of the exchange activities, Jacob Wilson has been attending various symposiums in the city with Chairman Price of the Calligraphy and Painting Association these days.

Although very busy, Jacob Wilson has been very energetic recently.

He has been mediocre in his life.

He hasn’t done anything deceptive in 50 years.

As the second-in-command of the Calligraphy and Painting Association, he participates in various formal meetings and meets with various leaders and elites every day, giving him the illusion that he is also an elite.

This afternoon, representatives of the Calligraphy and Painting Association went to the city for a meeting again, this time to communicate the details of the Korean exchange with colleagues from the Folk Arts Association, the Writers Association, and the University for the Elderly.

Not only Jacob Wilson, who represented the Calligraphy and Painting Association, but also Matilda Marks, Jacob Wilson’s first love, who represented the senior university, and Professor Riley, the old classmate of Charlie’s mother and Zoey’s father, attended the meeting.

Both Matilda and Professor Riley are PhDs who have returned to China from the United States.

Matilda has been engaged in the law industry in the United States for many years and has extremely rich experience, and Professor Riley is an internationally renowned economics expert.

Although they have not been in the senior university for a long time, but soon relying on his outstanding abilities, he became the two most prestigious visiting professors in senior universities.

In contrast, Jacob Wilson is not so eye-catching.

Although he is the vice president of the Calligraphy and Painting Association, he knows nothing about the field of calligraphy and painting.

If you really give him a brush, he will not be able to write much good words or paint, it is nothing more than the level of an amateur fancier.

He had a lot of water when he joined the Calligraphy and Painting Association as an ordinary member, and now he can climb into the second-in-command position of the executive vice president, and it is all dependent on the leadership of Chairman Price along the way.

Since Chairman Price saw Don Albert’s humility and respect for Jacob in Heaven Spring Mansion that time, he has attached great importance to Jacob.

Now on some big public occasions, he will take the initiative to bring Jacob to see the world.

However, Jacob has no real facts, he really wants to make some comments in the field of painting and calligraphy.

Professionals will know that he is half-hearted when they hear it.

In order to prevent him from showing his timidity and laughing generously on the spot, Chairman Price took him out to participate in the event and would ask him to listen more and talk less, so as not to make more mistakes.

Jacob naturally knew that he was not good at it, so he basically didn’t express his opinions on such occasions.

However, at this exchange meeting, both Matilda and Professor Riley shined brightly.

In order to demonstrate the positive self-improvement style of Aurous Hill senior citizens in the university for the elderly in this exchange event in South Korea, the two made a set of very professional presentation courseware together.

The general resume amazed everyone present.

The vast majority of domestic colleges for the elderly are actually entertainment centers for the elderly.

Retired elderly people go to learn calligraphy, painting, dance or even Tai Chi, or engage in recreational activities together.

This is basically the entire content of the elderly colleges.

However, both Matilda and Professor Riley feel that since it is an elderly university, they still have to sort out some in-depth teaching courses.

Therefore, both of them have invested a lot of energy in the elderly university and organized a group of relatively high cultural level activities for the elderly, making several subjects vivid.

Except for Jacob, who nodded his head repeatedly during the whole meeting, he was really a little bit curious in his heart.

On the one hand, he feels low self-esteem because of the huge gap between his level and Matilda and Professor Riley;

On the other hand, he also felt that the cooperation between Matilda and Professor Riley was too close, and the cooperation was perfect, which overturned the jealousy in his heart.

The meeting was about to end.

Someone suggested that everyone gather for dinner at night.

Jacob also wanted to take the opportunity to have more contact with Matilda.

Unexpectedly, Matilda said, “Professor Riley and I will not participate in the dinner.

We will have to go back to the university for the elderly, and there will be an internal learning experience sharing session tonight.”

Chairman Price couldn’t help but praise, “Professor Matilda is so responsible! Even organizing a sharing session at night, compared with your senior university, our Calligraphy and Painting Association is really a bit reluctant to make progress!”

Matilda said humbly, “Chairman Price, don’t say that.

Senior colleges are different from the Calligraphy and Painting Association.

The Calligraphy and Painting Association is a professional group composed of professionals.

It is like a regular army.

We are all retired and don’t know what to do.

Good idle personnel, so I can only learn more, and when we become professionals, we will be able to follow you!”

Jacob was also a little bit upset.

If Matilda didn’t want to go to the dinner party, he didn’t have much interest in having dinner with these elders, so he said, “Matilda, or I’ll send you to the university for the elderly.

It’s just right to walk with me from here on the way.”

Matilda smiled slightly and said politely, “No need Jacob, I came with Professor Riley today.

Professor Riley drove, and we happened to be going back together.”

“Oh…” Jacob felt even more disappointed, and he didn’t know how to continue the topic for a while.

At this time, Chairman Price’s cell phone rang, he went out to answer the phone, and soon rushed over happily, and said to Jacob excitedly, “Jacob, we should go back to the association! There is a great thing!”

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