The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 3740

Chapter 3740

Chapter 3740

After a pause, Graham Quinton said again, “Some time ago I just bought a large-scale local Chinese medicine production base in Altimore, and then invested a sum of money to expand the scale.

To be honest, this step is a bit big.

Funds are basically filled in… Unexpectedly, the listing of Thompson’s First Villa also came out at this moment.

Because I didn’t have enough funds, I sold the villa of The Croft Mountain Villa.

Anyway, the villa will most likely be vacant in the future.”

Charlie said, “If you don’t have enough funds, just tell me.

I can support a part of you at any time.

Can you still transfer the funds now? If it can’t be transferred, I will solve it for you now.”

Graham Quinton said flatteredly, “Master Wade, I am very grateful for your words, but there is no big problem with funding right now.

Liam Weaver called me just now and said that he would settle the matter immediately.

The payment for the medicinal materials, once the money arrives, I will be regarded as a blood back.”

Charlie said, “Mr. Quinton, if you have similar problems in the future, please contact me as soon as possible.”

“Okay!” Graham Quinton said excitedly, “I know Master Wade!”

Charlie asked him again, “By the way, when do you plan to move to Thompson’s First Villa?”

Graham Quinton said, “Aurora has been preparing for this in the past few days.

The villa has been renovated, and there is nothing to change.

Some furniture needs to be replaced.

It is estimated that it should be finished in a few days.

Aurora said that I will invite you to eat at home at that time and give you a surprise.

Then you must pretend not to know…”

Charlie smiled and said, “Okay, I will definitely come to congratulate you at that time.”

With that, Charlie thought of Miss Lavigne, and asked him, “By the way, Mr. Quinton, is the person who bought your The Croft Villa called Miss Lavigne?”

Graham Quinton said, “No, the woman who bought the villa was a Chinese-American named Shan Elliott.”

Hearing the name Shan Elliott, Charlie guessed that she should be Miss Lavigne’s assistant.

At this time, Graham Quinton said again, “However, the house was indeed transferred to the name of Miss Lavigne at the end, but I did not see Miss Lavigne herself.

The transfer procedures were handled by Shan Elliott on her behalf.”

Charlie was surprised, and blurted out and asked him, “What? You haven’t seen Miss Lavigne herself, hasn’t she seen the room?”

“No.” Graham Quinton said, “It was Shan Elliott who came by herself and saw it once.

After seeing it that day, she decided on the spot.”

Charlie asked, “Then when she was looking at the house, did she take photos and send them to others, or talk to others for video calls to let others see the house?”

“No.” Graham Quinton said, “She was brought by the agency on the day she saw the house.

We agreed to meet directly at the villa.

After she came, I took her to look at the house and gave a brief introduction, and then she decided to ask for it.

Yes, I haven’t seen her take photos or record videos, let alone call or video call other people.”

Charlie was even more surprised when he heard this.

According to what Miss Lavigne said, she bought this house for the elderly in her family to return to Aurous Hill to live.

Moreover, it can be seen from her performance that she is very attentive to this house.

Not only did she ask Jacob to let him come and see Feng Shui, but she even wanted to find his wife Claire to help her redecorate.

However, if Miss Lavigne hadn’t come forward from the selection of this house to the decision to buy it, then the gap between the front and back of Miss Lavigne’s attitude towards the house is too obvious.

Before you buy, you don’t care at all, you don’t even look at it, and you just let the assistant make the decision;

After she bought it, she suddenly became extremely concerned.

Not only did she have to confirm the Feng Shui problem, but also invested heavily in redecorating.

Why on earth?

Charlie thought about it, but there was only one answer.

That is, Miss Lavigne’s performance before buying this house is her true attitude towards this house.

And her performance after buying a house is just a play that she deliberately showed herself on the basis of this house!

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