The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 3758

Chapter 3758

Chapter 3758

Wendy said again at this time, “Mom has been very pitiful during this time.

When grandma was there, even if my uncle and aunt ran her on, she would have a place to live and have a full meal! But grandma is gone, she doesn’t have shelter from the wind and rain anymore.

Anyway, she is the mother who gave birth to me and raised me.

I said nothing would allow her to sleep on the street!”

Speaking of this, Wendy said with a very firm and strong attitude, “Dad, grandma! If you are willing to accept my mother back, then let my mother live in the villa.

In the future, one more person will also have to take care of dad and brother.

Grandma’s burden will also be reduced! However, if you are unwilling to accept my mother’s return, then I will pay to rent a separate house for my mother outside, and I will take care of my mother’s food and drink in the future! I will spend the money I earn, and you don’t have to worry about it, and you have no right to interfere!”

At this time, Wendy paused for a while, and recalled with a serious expression, “But I have to make it clear first! Our family’s current expenses are all dependent on me to make money.

The company needs to develop, and my salary can’t be too high.

If I still need to rent a house for my mother outside, the expenses will inevitably be a lot more! In this case, the quality of life for all of us will decline, and I hope you can understand it at that time! It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand it, just physically overcome it.”

As soon as Lady Wilson heard this, her eyes rolled in her eye sockets a few times, and her mind moved quickly, carefully considering the pros and cons.

If Hannah is allowed to stay here, although her mood will be somewhat affected, as Wendy said, she will have an extra helper, and she will be a helper in her prime of life.

In that case, the pressure of serving her son and grandson will naturally be reduced a lot, or even more than half.

And this is also the most cost-effective way.

There is no need to rent a house for Hannah alone.

The family is nothing more than adding a pair of chopsticks, and the cost increase is minimal.

However, if Hannah is not allowed to stay here, and Wendy goes out to rent a house for Hannah, will it be two or three thousand a month?

At that time, the food expenses will also increase a lot, but it is not as simple as adding a pair of chopsticks.

Family income is less than a few thousand a month, and the actual impact on life is still very large.

Thinking of this, Lady Wilson opened her mouth sadly, “Hannah, for the sake of Wendy’s face, I will let you in this time, but you must be honest and responsible for me when you are at home in the future.

Do you understand?!”

When Hannah heard this, she was incoherent with excitement.

She nodded her head and said, “Thank you mom…Thank you mom…I…I see…..

From now on, I will do my duty and take care of my housework!”

Christopher sighed and didn’t speak any more.

He was already soft-hearted at this time, and he felt more guilty about Hannah’s previous experience.

Wendy finally fell to the ground with a stone.

In fact, she received a call from her mother two days ago.

After Hannah’s mother passed away, her younger brother and sister-in-law couldn’t wait to kick her out, for fear that she would stay behind to fight for the ancestral property.

Hannah was kicked out and had nowhere to go.

Besides calling her daughter for help, she couldn’t think of any other way.

After all, she also knew that her mother-in-law and husband hated her to the bone, and her son Harold was seriously injured in bed.

Fortunately, Wendy had reissued her previous mobile phone sim, otherwise Hannah would not even be able to get through to the phone.

In that case, she would not be able to make calls every day.

Wendy had also complained about her mother at the beginning, and she couldn’t make it through just the fact that all the deposits in the family were emptied.

However, since Charlie helped her and asked her to take charge of the etiquette company, her outlook on life, world outlook, and values have undergone tremendous changes.

She no longer admires vanity as she did before, instead she is obsessed with making money with her own hands.

Moreover, she has a lot of patience and tolerance for many people and things around her.

As soon as she heard that her mother had no fixed place now, she hardly hesitated, and immediately let her mother return to Aurous Hill.

Because she felt that she could not sit back and watch her mother suffer outside anyway.

Therefore, she had already thought of two solutions.

If her father and grandmother can accept her mother, the family will still live together, and those gaps in the past will gradually dissipate over time in the future.

It doesn’t matter if they can’t accept her mother, but she has the ability to give her mother a stable life.

However, now that her grandma and dad agreed, in Wendy’s eyes, it is the best solution.

Elaine couldn’t help feeling a little sorrowful when she saw Hannah’s tears of gratitude and tears.

She couldn’t help but secretly thought in her heart, “Without my good son-in-law Charlie, my position in the Wilson family would not be as good as Hannah, and I don’t know how much humiliation I would get by the Lady…”

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