The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 3770

Chapter 3770

Chapter 3770

With that, Louis Rogers said again, “But if you are really worried, Miss, I can arrange a few more people to come and make sure that it is foolproof.”

When Michaela heard this, her doubts had basically dispelled.

She waved her hand and said, “Forget it, he invited me to dinner.

It makes sense for me to take a driver.

If I bring a group of people there, the other party will definitely think too much about it.

It’s not appropriate.”

Louis Rogers nodded and said nothing more.

The Cadillac drove out of the city, then along the aisle for another twenty minutes, and finally came to the Farmhouse Iron Pot Stew mentioned by Charlie.

As soon as the car arrived at the door, a young man commanded, “Pull the car in the yard.

Master Wade has arrived!”

Michaela looked in and found that there was indeed a BMW 530 parked in the yard.

She couldn’t help thinking to herself, “This Charlie is really low-key.

At present, there are three cars in their house, only this BMW 530 is the worst.

As a result, this car really reaches his hand…”

Louis Rogers didn’t think much about it at this time.

He drove the car directly into the farmyard and parked it with Charlie’s BMW.

Louis Rogers got out of the car and paid close attention to the farmyard.

This farmyard is medium-sized, with more than a hundred square meters.

In addition to a kitchen, there are also several brick-built boxes.

However, only one of these boxes is on the light.

Although Louis Rogers has no aura, after all, he is a six-star warrior.

If he closes his eyes slightly and circulates the real air, he can judge the distribution of personnel in this farmyard through his strong perception ability.

At this time, in addition to the young people in the yard who commanded parking, there were three people in the kitchen who were busy, and there was one person sitting in the light-bright box, and the other rooms were empty.

He expanded his perception slightly.

Within a radius of dozens of meters around the yard, there seemed to be no sign of anyone hiding.

Moreover, it can be seen from the breathing rhythm and strength of these people that these people are ordinary people and didn’t even enter the door of martial arts.

From this, he also came up with a basic judgment that there was no ambush in the yard.

So Louis Rogers said to Michaela, “Miss, you can get off.”

Hearing this, Michaela nodded gently, and her frown spread out.

She knew that Louis Rogers was very powerful, and he could even detect the enemy hidden behind several walls through the perception of other people’s breathing and heartbeats.

Therefore, as long as he tells herself that she can get out of the car, it proves that there is nothing abnormal in this place.

It’s just that the environment of this place really makes her a little difficult to say.

The buildings of the farmyard are a little dilapidated.

Although they have been renovated, it can also be seen that they have a long history.

As soon as you get out of the car, you can smell a stench in the yard.

On closer inspection, you will find that there are more than a dozen fat geese in captivity in the corner of the yard.

It may also be disturbed by the sound of the car engine, and a dozen geese kept fluttering their wings in their nests and making loud tweets.

Michaela looked at a snow-white goose, and then looked at the same snow-white Hermes handmade high-end dress on her body.

She couldn’t help sighing and felt that she was the clown in front of these geese.

At the same time, she also slandered in her heart, “The environment here is so bad.

How can we eat the food later? The key is that Charlie treats me to dinner.

If I sit down and only watch and don’t eat, the etiquette will definitely not be reasonable…”

Just as she was worried about the environment here, the door of the lighted box was pushed open, and Charlie, dressed in a pure white T-shirt and a pair of washed white jeans, came out of the door.

He looked at Michaela and smiled enthusiastically, “Oh, Miss Lavigne is here.

Come on, please come in!”

Seeing Charlie dressed in a simple and casual dress, Michaela felt a little embarrassed for the first time in her heart.

Charlie’s clothes like this seem to be incontraventable in such a place, and coupled with his handsome appearance and sunny smile, it gives people an inexplicable favor.

However, Michaela looked at herself again and felt that she was dressed today like an overdressed clown, which seemed out of place with everything around her.

Charlie didn’t expect that Michaela would dress so formally, and even had the feeling of attending the top dinner party.

He couldn’t help praising, “Miss Lavigne dressed up beautifully today!”

When Michaela heard this, she was a little embarrassed.

Originally, she was quite confident, but she didn’t expect to feel strong embarrassments and uneasiness for the first time in this kind of suburban farmyard.

She said awkwardly, “I’m sorry, Mr.

Wade, today’s clothes are really inappropriate, which makes you laugh.”

Charlie smiled and said, “How come? I was a little inconsiderate when I chose a place.

Please don’t be surprised.”

After hearing this, Michaela’s awkward mood immediately eased a lot.

Charlie looked at her, smiled and said, “Miss Lavigne, please come in quickly.

The goose has almost stewed!”

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