The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 3778

Chapter 3778

Chapter 3778

She then anxiously took out her mobile phone and tried to call Louis Rogers, but the call was prompted that it could not be connected.

This made her panic in an instant, while continuing to try to make a call, she kept circling around the place anxiously.

Charlie pretended to be surprised and asked, “Miss Lavigne, what’s the matter?”

Michaela blurted out subconsciously, “My…my driver is gone…”

“Gone?” Charlie said in surprise, “How can a big living person say nothing and disappear? When I came out to answer the phone just now, I said hello to him…”

After speaking, he hurriedly said again, “Could he go to the toilet?”

Michaela said in a flustered expression, “But I can’t get through his mobile phone.

His mobile phone has never been blocked, and his style of work is cautious, and he will never just disappear, so…so I suspect that he might be in trouble…”

Charlie said casually, “What if his phone accidentally falls into the pit while going to the bathroom?”

Michaela was taken aback for a moment, then immediately shook her head and said, “It’s impossible… with his skill, he will never make such a low-level mistake…”

In Michaela’s view, for a six-star warrior, the reaction ability and body speed are much stronger than that of ordinary people, and it is completely impossible for a mobile phone to accidentally fall into a pit.

Seeing her nervousness, Charlie stepped forward and said with solemn consolation, “I think your driver is very stable and meticulous in his standing.

At first glance, he is practicing martial arts.

This kind of person should have no problem.

Besides, the law and order in Aurous Hill has always been very good.

He is a big man, and there is no possibility of accidents.

Don’t worry!”

Michaela’s anxiety did not get any relief because of Charlie’s comfort.

Because she knew very well in her heart that Louis Rogers was an outstanding six-star warrior.

It stands to reason that the entirety of China could not find an existence whose strength could surpass him.

Therefore, it is almost impossible for him to have any accidents.

But now, it happened that this person who was unlikely to have any accidents disappeared inexplicably.

At this moment, she had a strong sense of crisis, making her feel as if she was being incomparably powerful, but completely invisible and intangible.

The whirlpool is firmly wrapped.

Charlie was still addicted to acting at this time.

He ran to the kitchen door and knocked on the door.

After the door opened, he immediately asked the chef inside, “Who has seen the man standing in the yard just now?”

The chef shook his head and said, “Master Wade, I haven’t been out…”

Charlie asked again, “Then when we came, how about the little brother who greeted us at the door?”

The chef hurriedly said, “He has already left.

It didn’t take long for you and the distinguished guest to come back.

He went back first, because today Don Albert told us not to receive other guests, but only serve you at the table, so he went first.”

“Strange…” Charlie muttered, “A big living person stood there.

When did he leave and where did he go, no one knows?”

The chef shook his head vigorously, and blurted out, “We really don’t know…”

Charlie asked again, “Do you have surveillance here?”

The chef shook his head again and chuckled twice.

Then he said, “There is no monitoring, Master Wade… You know, our boss is under Don Albert’s hands.

We usually entertain people from the mob.

In order to avoid trouble, no monitoring is installed…”

Charlie sighed helplessly, and said, “I’ll think of other ways.”

After finishing speaking, he turned around and said to the nervous Michaela, “Miss Lavigne, I will accompany you to wait for a while, if we still can’t contact him, we will call the police.”

Although Michaela was uneasy, she couldn’t think of any solution at this time, so she said to Charlie, “Thank you, Mr. Wade.

I will send a message to others first…”

Having said that, she quickly sent Shan Elliott a chat message with her mobile phone, asking her to immediately notify the other entourages of Louis Rogers’ disappearance.

At the same time, they must find a way to check the monitoring around the farmhouse to see if they can find a clue before calling the police.

Shan Elliott, who was measuring the room with Claire, was in a cold sweat when she heard that Louis Rogers was missing, so she quickly coordinated and ordered others to search for clues.

The disappearance of Louis Rogers meant a complete loss of security for them.

It’s like a group of rookies who don’t know how to rob the tomb and follow the ghost blowing the lamp to the tomb, and only when they enter the tomb passage, their leader is kidnapped.

And they know very well that if there is an existence in Aurous Hill that can make Louis Rogers disappear, then if the other party wants Michaela and their entourage to also disappear, it will be easy!

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