The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 3782

Chapter 3782

Chapter 3782

At this moment, the commercial vehicle carrying Don Albert and Louis Rogers had already stopped in a wilderness on the outskirts of Aurous Hill City, where there were no people or surveillance cameras, so it was most suitable to do something secretly.

The commercial vehicle pulled over and parked firmly, and an unremarkable black Honda Accord immediately drove out of the woods next to it.

This car is very common in Aurous Hill as there’s a large quantity of it.

Seeing the Accord coming, Don Albert immediately opened the door and personally dragged Louis Rogers out of the commercial vehicle, and then ordered someone to open the trunk of the Accord and directly stuffed Louis Rogers into it.

After that, Don Albert got into the back seat, lowered the window, and said to the driver of the commercial vehicle, “You guys will go to Southaven, find a nightclub to play, and then find a high-end bathing center to take a bath and rest.”

The driver smiled and asked, “Don Albert, are we going to have meat or vegetables?”

Don Albert grinned and cursed, “Damn! I don’t care about whether you will have meat or vegetables.

You can have whatever you like.

If you have any special hobbies, I don’t care if you have a few men to wash together with you.”

As he said, he took out his wallet from his pocket.

There was not much cash in the bulging wallet, but all kinds of bank cards.

What’s interesting is that every bank card has a string of numbers on sticky notes, some are 10, and there are 20, 30, or even 50, 100.

Don Albert directly pulled out a bank card with the number 30 pushed from it, threw it into the cab of the commercial vehicle through the window, and said, “There are half a million in this card, and the code is 5-0-0-0-0- 0, you guys will spend it, and the rest will be averaged.”

Don Albert carries at least several million bank cards all year round.

The person who issued these cards is not himself, but the password of each card corresponds to the amount of the card.

The password for the 300,000 card is 3 and five zeros, as well as for the five hundred thousand card, the password is 5 and five zeros.

The reason why he always brings such cards is to make it more convenient to give money.

Just throw a card in the past and solve it.

It is more convenient than cash and safer than transfer.

His men got the card and said excitedly, “Thank you, Don Albert!”

Don Albert said, “By the way, don’t rush back tomorrow, rest steadily until you wake up naturally, then find a shopping mall to go shopping, and drive back at night.”

The little brother said quickly, “Don Albert, don’t worry, I will follow your instructions!”

Don Albert nodded, and said to the driver of the Accord, “Go straight to the highway and return to the dog farm.”

The driver said quickly, “Yes, Don Albert.”

After a kick of the accelerator, the car jumped out immediately.


Since the traffic in the evening was much smoother, Charlie took Michaela to the Shangri-La Hotel in just over twenty minutes.

The car stopped in the hotel lobby, and the service porter was about to step up and open the door.

Seeing Charlie sitting inside, he immediately said respectfully, “Hello Master Wade!”

Charlie nodded and said to the service porter, “Tell Mr. Cameron to send people to ensure Miss Lavigne’s safety.”

The service porter quickly agreed and said, “Don’t worry, I will give feedback to Mr. Cameron right away!”

Charlie was satisfied, and said to Michaela on the co-pilot, “Miss Lavigne, do you want me to send you in?”

Michaela hurriedly said, “Don’t bother Mr. Wade, I’ll just go up by myself…”

Charlie nodded, and comforted, “You don’t have to worry too much about what happened just now.

I believe that in broad daylight and in a bright world, your driver can’t just say he loses it.

Maybe he will be back tomorrow.”

Michaela felt that Charlie didn’t know the seriousness of the matter at all, so he had such a beautiful fantasy.

In Michaela’s opinion, the possibility of Louis Rogers coming back by himself is almost zero!

However, she said to Charlie very gratefully, “Thank you, Mr. Wade, then I will lend you good words!”

Charlie nodded and said, “Miss Lavigne, don’t be polite to me.

You are not familiar with the land.

If you have anything difficult to do, you must tell me.

Although I am not a big snake in Aurous Hill, at any rate, I have some connection, and it should be able to help you!”

Charlie’s attitude gave Michaela great comfort, and greatly eased her flustered heart and nervousness.

She looked at Charlie and said sincerely, “Mr. Wade, thank you for being here! Thank you so much!”

Charlie waved his hand and said with his face, “Miss Lavigne, everyone is a friend.

It would be too far-fetched to always say thank you!”

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